Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Train trip up

Well what can I say except:

Long - was over four hours especially as the train was delayed before it even left Newcastle.

Hot - for some reason the train was boiling even with the draft coming from the doors open window.

Boring - last time I did this trip I had my gorgeous little man to help keep us amused and busy. But this time little old me on my todd I found the trip so dull. I read a book n listed to some music but really wasn't the same without my little family.

Will blog the concert on the way home on Thursday, all I can say is:


Sunday, 26 October 2014

Mummy's time off!

So the day is here.

This mummy has just said goodbye to the munchkin at Newcastle central station.

Im waiting to board the 1253 east coast service to Aberdeen.

Im going to the big reunion boybands tour tomorrow night with my best friend and yes I'm excited at seeing the likes of 911, a1, 3T, Blue etc but I'm also upset at though of missing my little man.

I'm upset at missing two bedtimes as due to Andys work shifts, bedtime is mine and James special time.

He cuddles into me on his bed and we watch nursery rhymes on you tube and then put his man utd songs on via my phone.

Ok im going to stop now.
Will post about the trip up later

Silent Sunday

Tuesday, 21 October 2014


Ok I admit it, I do from time to time use bribery with James to get him to do things. 

The latest is when he's so tired but won't nap when he's at my mums house, the normal tool is Pringles or as James calls them pingles. If he doesn't have a nap then he is guaranteed to fall asleep on the bus home and then he will take ages to go down at night like the other night when it was half past nine when he fell asleep yet was wide awake at six am. 

We have also had to use chocolate buttons and squares of cake. If he's been naughty he doesn't get them, he is behaving better as he knows he will get something. 

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Meet the best friends

Most children have a stuffed toy they cannot be parted from. I know I did when I was a child and I thought it was about time I introduced the two main ones in James life.

Cranberry aka CB
This is the main stuffed toy in James life. We got him cranberry last year just before Christmas and James became besotted with him. It's only over the last few months though that cranberry has become a daily fixture on the pushchair. We have had a few trips out where James has become upset as he left cranberry at home and normally one of us has made the dash from the metro station to home and back just to make sure the boy is reunited with his best friend. We have had to shower him and wash his jumper a few times last time James was sick poor cranberry got it. 

This is panda, he is the other main stuffer in James life. He normally stays at home when we go out although he has been an extra in the pushchair a few times. James got him at ikea as he had been a good boy and been very well behaved. 

Both cranberry and panda are normally wanted at bed time, but only cranberry actually makes it as far as James bed. Panda is normally left in with mummy. 

I'm trying to get my smell onto panda as I'm going away in a few weeks to see my best friend for a couple of days and I think it may help James if he has something that smells of mummy to help him sleep. When he was newborn he used to have what ever tshirt I had been wearing that day put over his sheet in carrycot. 

Silent Sunday

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Sally Henson Quick Colour

So I admit it m a nail biter always have been. I just can't help it. 

The only way I can stop my self biting my nails is to paint them. I'm always on the look out for nice colours I can wear to stop me biting. 

I was in discounts uk in Newcastle and thought I would have a quick look at the make up and nail varnish. Now I normally buy nails inc which is about £11 a varnish, and well as a mummy to a growing toddler most of my money goes on him, I very rarely treat myself.

When it comes to nail varnish I find it a pain trying to sit and do them while trying to hold onto the jar without spilling any, so when I saw the quick colour by Sally Hansen I knew I had to try it!

All I needed to do was open the box up unscrew the lid, click the button a few times and hay presto the colour was on the brush! It took me less than five minutes to do first coat on both hands!

So we are onto day three of wearing this polish and it hasn't chipped at all. It's a gorgeous colour and looks amazing. This is definitely a product I will be investing in again.

I wasn't paid for this review and all comments are my own and this is a product I purchased myself.