Saturday, 31 January 2015

Me & Mine January 2015

Finally decided to try and link up to this fab link up.

We took this on my phone while curled up on the sofa having a few quiet moments before tea and bed for James. 

This has been Andy's Saturday off work so we have chilled out at home, finished our online food shop for tomorrow, and Andy made some bread.

Tomorrow start of February so will probably be a quick trip to town as andy needs a red top for wear it red at work.

Weekly Meal Plan

So February is the start of a new month, so new month means start of meal planning.
We bought a slow cooker a few weeks ago and I intend to use it especially on days that James and me have been at my mums when I'm working, as getting in at five and then having to start cooking especially with a grumpy,hungry,tired toddler round my feet is a pain.

So these are the meals I have planned for this week with Monday and Wednesday being slow cooker meals.

Sunday - roast chicken breast mash veg
Monday - cheesy meatballs tomato sauce & spaghetti 
Tuesday - diced chicken rice veg
Wednesday - sausage casserole 
Thursday - roast pork loins roast potatoes veg
Friday - pasta bake
Saturday - pizza

Fingers crossed I can stick to it

February #snaphappybritmums

Well we actually did the whole of January and it's brilliant! I'm going to save all the photos into a folder on laptop to look back on at the end of the year.

But here are the topics for February's #snaphappybritmums 

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Week five days 25-31/365

Day 25 James is watching lazy town and eating cornflakes 

Day twenty six watching surprise eggs on his pad.

Day twenty seven watching goldie the fish episode of peppa

Day twenty eight James is watching cowboy traders with his nana 

Day twenty nine someone is a daddies boy this morning 

Day thirty James and CB went to Tesco with mummy.

Day thirty one James started the day watching Peppa Pig on his pad in mummy and daddy's bed.

Friday, 23 January 2015

New email address

Well the email address for the blog is now

New blog design will be coming soon too

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

#snaphappybritmums January days 21-31

Day twenty one prompt was "keeping warm" so here is James snug in his buggy

Day twenty two prompt was "word" so mine is kindle I'm reading while James watches mother goose club.

Day twenty three was food so James had three breakfasts.

Day twenty four it's burns night we don't celebrate it so we having pasta bake.

Day twenty five and it's happy! This boy makes me happy!

Day twenty six it's something grey so this is the wallpaper in our lounge. 

Day twenty seven and this is one of my favourite pictures

Day twenty eight and it's about sky. This was Cinderellas castle at Disney World.

Day twenty nine it's all about flower. This was my wedding bouquet.

Day thirty it's all about dad. James adores being cuddled into his daddy.

Day thirty one it's cool and James is really a cool little dude.

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Mozzarella and Bacon Pastries (homemade version of Greggs)

So how yummy are those cheese and bacon pastries you can buy at Greggs?? Pretty good I would say but at a cost of at least £1.30 for one they are pretty expensive.

Having seen a few people on facebook make their own at home, I though I would give it a go myself and see if I could do them.

My ready rolled puff pastry sheet was cut into six squares! So I grilled six slices of bacon and chopped up my ball of motzarella.

I then put a slice of bacon diagonally across each square then put two chunks of mozzarella on, then folded the opposite corners in towards each other and sealed with egg wash.

Twenty minutes in oven till golden brown.

Week Four days 18-24/365

Day eighteen we had snow

Day nineteen James was watching Thomas and friends at nanas

Dat twenty we are not long home from being out and James has decided to keep his coat on. 

Day twenty one James has put his pjs on early tonight.

Day twenty two James is having a duvet day today.

Day twenty three James loves the pad.

Day twenty four James is wearing a new top.

Silent Sunday

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Our visit to the eye hospital

So today was the day we had to take James to children's outpatients at Newcastle eye centre based at the Royal Victoria Infirmary (RVI).

We had this appointment because when we registered at the new GP when we moved, the health visitor that came out do his visit on joining the practice wanted him to have an eye test due to both myself and Andy being short sighted. He had an initial appointment before Christmas, then today was the main appointment.

The appointment time we had was 0930am so it meant a very early start and actually get up when our alarms went off rather than having a cuppa in bed before having shower.

We found the department very easily and it was signed very clearly from the hospital entrance and in the lift. 

We booked in at reception at about quarter past nine and were directed to the children's playroom at the end of the corridor. Just after half past nine a nurse called James name and we were taken into a little room. Andy held James on his lap while the nurse put drops in James eyes to dilate his pupils. 

As James has very blue eyes the dilation of his pupils will last at least 12 hours. James was so good and only cried for about twenty seconds. We then went back to the playroom to allow the drops to do their job. 

Just after ten am we were called into see the opthmologist. He had a look at James eyes by holding lenses in front of James eyes and talking to him about the big pictures of noddy and big ears on the wall. This lasted about ten minutes then it was back to the playroom for another half an hour before going into see the doctor.

James got the all clear and no signs of being short sighted. He doesn't need to go back to the clinic which is good. 

Once he turns four in August 2016 he will have to start having yearly eye tests to make sure any problems are caught straight away. 

The doctors and nurses were brilliant with James. 

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Our entry for H&A Bathtime Fun Squad

So we have applied to be ambassadors for H&A Bathtime Fun Squad 2015. 
James is a complete bath addict, which is funny as when he was first born he absolutely hated his baths and would cry his eyes out every time we went to put him in.

We have been sent some squirting ducks to play with in the bath so check out how much fun James is having with them.

When we first opened the box James was thrilled with the ducks. He loves bath toys that are bright colours and these grabbed his attention straight away. He had just woken up from a nap and was still rather grumpy but they cheered him up no end!!

We opened up the packaging so James could have a good look at the ducks and he wanted to play with them straight away! I took this as a good sign of how much he liked them.


He was sitting on the floor playing with the ducks getting so excited telling us what colours they all were. 

When it came to Bathtime James grabbed all his ducks and virtually ran up the stairs to put them in the bath. 

These were lucky ducks as they got to ride in his toy lifeboat he was bought from Amble RNLI.

James loved showing us the ducks and telling us what colours they were. 

On a scale of one to ten these squirting bath ducks have been a massive ELEVEN!!!! Every time bath time is mentioned James remembers the ducks are there and gets even more excited than normal. 

We have really enjoyed reviewing these ducks and I'm sure these ducks are going to be coming with us when we go and visit with nana! 

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Week Three 365 days 11-17

Day eleven James and his daddy watching diggers on YouTube.

Day twelve James watching his nursery rhymes before tea.

Day thirteen James eating his chocolate mousse after his pasta.

Day fourteen James is playing with his toy car.

Day fifteen James is curled up on sofa watching his pad after a busy morning.

Day sixteen James having a quiet moment watching wheels on the bus.

Day seventeen James has found his daddies Starbucks travel cup.

Silent Sunday

Saturday, 10 January 2015

#snaphappybritmums January 11-20

Day eleven prompt was "muddy" all I had for muddy was the mud on steps on our wedding day.

Day twelve prompt was "Go" so here is James going for a walk with his aunt & uncles dog Olly.

Day thirteen prompt was "landscape" so here is the forth road bridge taken from the train on a lovely sunny day.

Day fourteen the prompt was "out and about" so this was Amble RNLI harbour day 2014.

Day fifteen prompt was "walking" so here is James doing the banardos big toddle last summer.

Day sixteen prompt was "family fun" here is James and his daddy on the Japanese bullet train.

Day seventeen prompt was "#Hibernot" this was when the Olympic torch went past bottom of where we used to live. It was freezing cold and I was seven months pregnant with James.

Day eighteen and "Spash" the gorgeous waterfall at Blue Reef Aquarium in Tynemouth. 

Day nineteen prompt was "Wow" and that was what I said when u saw my wedding cake for first time!

Day twenty prompt was "#Thisisme" so this is me with James when he was first born.