Friday, 29 December 2017

2017 Review of the Year - Part Two

So welcome to part two of our review of 2017! Part One which contains January to June can be found here!

So we come back to the Review starting in July!

July started with mummy and Freddie attending the Baby Brunch at Intu Metrocentre where we had a lovely morning meeting two of the Metro Gnomes. We also wrote about James finishing reception at school. We also shared some more information about things we had got for James fifth birthday. Freddie also turned 20 months old in July!

August was the month that James finally turned five! We also went to Warkworth Village show, which was a brilliant day out! We had a wonderful family day out for James birthday and actually ended up with a family BBQ!

September and James went back to school and started in Year One! Mummy and Freddie attended the Bloggers preview of The Simply Small Co store in Newcastle Grainger Market. James also got to review the awesome Kinetic Rock play set which he adored and totally covered the kitchen floor in the rock!

October saw mummy attempt to do Blogtober again and this year I got 19 days in! Next year I have great plans to actually get posts scheduled to go up earlier and write posts earlier! We also reviewed the fantastic book "Who Hides Here? Footprints in the Garden" James loved this book as he loves being outside and his favourite thing to do at school is forest school in the school garden!

November saw us post reviews of Letter to Santa, Pao Papoose and Cuddleroar to name a few! But the biggest part of November was our little Freddie Bear turned TWO! Sadly though the poor little man actually had a sickness bug on his birthday and spent the whole day curled up in his pj's on the sofa! Mummy and Freddie also attended the open day at the playgroup we have put him down to start in January! It will only be a couple of sessions a week but it will give mummy two free afternoons (or mornings) to get things done in the house and work without little hands trying to help!

And so that brings us to December. The final month of the year! It really does not seem five minutes since it was last Christmas so for it to be here again already it is crazy! In December we posted a competition to win a signed Freya Morgan Print. We also wrote about the calibre products knee support and how it was helping me to deal with the pain I get in the winter from an old knee injury! We also did an update on how James is doing at school now he is in Year One and its a more structured learning compared to Reception where it was more learning through Play! We sadly end the year mourning the loss of Andy's lovely nanny who died on Christmas Day, not even an hour after he spoke to her on the phone. She was a fantastic lady who was 105. We will miss her very much and all the wonderful stories she used to tell us, especially the ones about Andy's mum growing up!

So that was the end of our 2017! We have so much planned already for 2018 including a trip to Surrey to see Nanny and Pappy, a day out in London so James can see all the places he has learned about in school and of course our first family holiday to Majorca!

Wednesday, 27 December 2017

2017 Review of the Year - Part One!

Review of the Year 2017 January to June!

So what a year 2017 has been for us!! We have had lots of fun!

January saw Freddie try out a Puddle Ducks North East swimming class, which didn’t actually go to well and he cried for the entire session! We also wrote about how weaning was going at 13 months! We also reviewed the fantastic Dino Multi Bag by Zip and Zoe James loves this bag and is actually still using it for school now hes in year one!

February saw us commemorate the 59th Anniversary of the MUNICH 1958 air disaster, We also reviewed The Reward Box which we are still using now with James!

March saw Freddie turn 16 months and start walking! 

April saw us going to Cbeebies Land at Alton Towers so mummy wrote a post all about what we were takinging in our bags on the coach to keep James and Freddie amused! 

May saw us posting all about the fantastic time we had at Alton Towers and Cbeebies Land! We also wrote about how the Snoozeshade is not just for summer! This is a product that we are actually using all year round with Freddie as it keeps the sun off him in the summer and in the winter it not only keeps the low winter sun out of his eyes but it also keeps the nasty North East wind off him in the pushchair and keeps him that little bit warmer! This was the month that Freddie also turned 18 months old!

June - This month saw us writing about what James keeps in his Zip and Zoe backpack! Now hes in year one the contents of this bag has somewhat changed and I will be writing an updated post in the new year as to what James takes to school on a daily basis! We also started planning James fifth birthday party and also designing the invites!

Thank you for reading the first party of our Review of 2017 and Part two will be up in a few days!

Saturday, 23 December 2017

Special Decorations On Our Tree

As it's nearly Christmas, I thought I would share some of the special decorations we have on our tree.

First off we have our Mickey and Minnie. We bought these in magic kingdom at Walt Disney World on our honeymoon.Walt Disney World has a Christmas shop all year round which we adored! We could have spent a fortune in there, but we settled in these adorable little bells. The first year they went on our tree was Christmas 2012 as it was our first as a family of three with James, who was four months old.

Next we have our little westie. We bought this in 2014 in memory of my dad's auntie who had died earlier that year. She used to have a westie and loved everything westie related so getting a westie in memory of her was the logical thing. When I found this in our local John Lewis I knew I had to buy it. It was Moyra all over and I think it would have been something she would have probably bought for her own tree as she loved Christmas! 

Then we have our gold star. This was also bought in 2014. This was bought in memory of my Nannie who we lost in the May of that year. James was extremely close to her and when she died we told James she had gone to be a star in the sky. James chose this on a trip to Tesco with mummy one weekend. Even now almost four years on James still tells me that Nannie is his star in the sky and he loves her.

This year we have added a gold Paddington Bear to our tree. The new Paddington film came out a few weeks ago and the local Fenwick department store has its Christmas window as Paddington themed so adding a cute Paddington Bear to our tree made sense.

So these are the special decorations on our tree. Do you have any special decorations on you tree that have special meanings? Let us know in the comments below!

Friday, 22 December 2017

First Term of Year One!

So today is the last day of the Autumn Term at school for James and its also the end of the first term in Year One!

I'm going to be honest and admit James didn't have the easiest time in Reception last year, He found it very challenging and I was terrified at how he was going to deal with going into Year One where they have a much more structured time table of lessons, where as Reception it was very much learning through play. In Year One they only get one hour a week of free play and that is last thing on a Friday afternoon. 

I have been so surprised at how well James has adapted. He has a new found love for reading and has had over thirty books this term alone where as in Reception he had about ten in the whole year! 

He also loves drawing pictures and writing his numbers! They have been learning about the Great Fire of London this term and James is totally fascinated by it and he is so excited that we are going to spend a day in London in February half term!

He says his favourite things to do in school are reading, number work and playtime! I don't know where he gets his love of maths from as mummy has always hated it and not been very good at it!! He has also had his forest school sessions this term which he has absolutely adored! One day a week they would spend the morning in the school secret garden learning fantastic skills ie cooking on a campfire and building the fire. They even made nettle pancakes which James loved!

We had parents evening a couple of weeks ago and his teacher said how proud she was of him and how well he has adapted. We go to look at his books and we saw such a difference in his handwriting in just a few weeks. 

I really hope this attitude he has towards his school work continues into the rest of the year! Well Done James we are all so proud of you!

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

First Impressions of the Cute Nico Backpack

As a busy mummy with two boys aged five and two, a big bag is a necessity! However I prefer a stylish but practical bag as I am definitely not a girly girl and don't really like fancy bags! I much prefer a backpack especially for when I am out and about! I find it much easier to wrestle a toddler from his pram at sure start with a backpack on my back than a bag slung over my shoulder!

When Cute Nico got in touch and asked if we would like to try out there backpack I was thrilled especially as next year we have two big trips coming up involving a lot of travelling!

When I first opened the box I was so impressed with the size of the bag. As a mum of two boys aged 5 and 2 I certainly carry a lot when we are out and about. 

The bag comes with two smaller bags that fit into the front pocket of the bag. One of these is a mesh bag and the other is insulated. In the mesh bag I have two pull ups, some nappy bags and two small packets of travel baby wipes. In the insulated bag I have put some of Freddie's snacks in but will add in his water cup or milk when we go out! The bag comes with a huge changing mat which I love as Freddie is not the smallest two year old! This fits perfectly into the pocket inside the main part of the bag.

In the main compartment I have a change of clothes for Freddie and his inhaler with spacer. When James is with us I will add in some spare clothes for him as well! 

Overall our first impressions of the Cute Nico backpack have been brilliant! Check back in January to see how it fares on days out over Christmas holidays with two boys!

Monday, 11 December 2017

The YourGoodSkin #28daychallenge

A few weeks ago the lovely Jess from Lilypod and Sweetpea mentioned on Instagram that  YourGoodSkin were looking for real mums in the UK and USA to try out their new skin care products. She asked us for our email addresses and that YourGoodSkin would contact us!

When I got the email from them asking me to take part in the #28daychallenge I was thrilled! I'm 32 (almost 33!) and I admit I haven't taken good care of my skin in recent years.

I was sent four products to try for 28 days to see if they improve my skin. The Products I was sent were: The Pore Minimizing Tonic, The Balancing Skin Concentrate, The Instant Dryness Rescue moisturiser and The Oil Lifting Make-up Remover Wipes.

I have started by using the Pore Minimizing Tonic every morning and night along with the Balancing Skin Concentrate. I have been using the Instant Dryness Rescue on an evening before bed as my skin is normally very dry after being in and out the house in the cold for school runs! 

As this posts I am now onto day four of the 28 day challenge and so far I can feel a difference in my skin! My cheeks definitely feel softer than they did before I used it!

This was me on day one of the challenge, Not the best photograph as it was taken pretty early in the morning when I was getting ready to take James to school! 

The best thing I have found about the YougGoodSkin is that it is actually available in Boots! 

I will do an update on how I am finding the products around day 14 which will be just before christmas then I will do a round up after I have finished the challenge about how I have found it and If I am going to continue to use the products! Although after four days I am 99% sure I will be continuing as I love how they are making my skin fell!

Friday, 8 December 2017

Win a signed print by Freya Morgan

Win A Framed Signed Print by Freya Morgan!

A few months ago, I worked with Ecover as part of their limited edition Laundry detergent. The illustrations on the bottles were done by Freya Morgan, an incredibly talented illustrator.

I have a limited edition, signed, framed botanical print of the illustration to give away, which is absolutely beautiful. This would make a wonderful Christmas present or maybe even to put on your own wall!

 I absolutely adore the print on the bag as it is simply adorable. I actually use the bag to keep things in under our pram as being a mum of two boys I carry a lot of things I don't really need!

 I know that I would love to have something like this on my hallway wall or even my lounge (when it finally gets redecorated!!) I think this would look lovely on the wall in a little girls bedroom or nursery. 

The winner will receive the signed, framed print as well as the lovely bag with the washing detergent and fabric conditioner. I absolutely love using the Ecover products and they make James school uniform smell lovely! The bag we have is just a lovely print!

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Calibre Products Knee Support

Ever since I injured my knee when I was 15 I have suffered badly when it was cold with pain. Since that first injury I have suffered two more major injuries and have been on crutches twice.

For me winter is the worst time of year for suffering pain, The cold makes my knee joint ache and feel so sore when I'm walking around or playing with the boys.

So when Calibre Products got in touch and asked if I would like to try out one of their Knee supports I jumped at the chance! Ever since my worst injury where I put a minor tear in my cruciate ligament, the pain in the ligaments has felt so much worse! I absolutely hate the cold and sometimes I have to rely on either deep heat cream or little heat packs on my knee when I go out and about. 

Calibre say "The Calibre Support Knee Brace is an ergonomically designed support that aids you on a day-to-day basis providing stabilisation for sporting, occupational or leisure activities. Manufactured from high quality breathable neoprene, it provides great heat retention to nurture the healing process. Lasting long into the future."

The Calibre knee support is an open patella and it is strapped around via strong velcro. I have found that I have to tighten the bottom velcro before the top otherwise it can slide down my leg! 

But over all this product is absolutely brilliant, it helps me to manage the pain I get in cold weather by keeping my knee warm and supporting it. I wear it most days especially on the school run as it is freezing cold! By wearing this knee support I can do so much more in the winter! Everything that it says in the description is true! It definitely retains heat which means I have not had to use any of the heat creams to help my knee when out and about. It gives my knee the support it needs when walking and running after Freddie and James! 

The product is available to buy for £9.90 on Amazon.

**We were sent a voucher to purchase this product on Amazon, but all words and pictures are my own!**

Friday, 1 December 2017

Taking Freddie Dairy Free!

Over the last year, Freddie has had a number of issues which we think are related to his intake of dairy.

Freddie was a brilliant baby, He slept well and had none of the issues with bring up his feeds like James did as a baby, then he hit ten months old and he had a nasty sickness bug and virus. After that his sleep went out the window and became terrible. As he turned one we tried to swap him from baby formula onto cows milk and straight away we had issues. He got constipation and literally didn't sleep at all well. We tried a few times and every time we had the same issues. 

We kept Freddie on formula milk till he was eighteen months old as our GP said and then slowly moved him onto green top milk. We still had major issues with his sleeping, but then we had constipation issues start! We even ended up at local hospital as he hadn't gone for a few days and he was in agony. The doctors prescribed movicol, but even with that there was still days when he didn't go and if he didn't, then he didn't sleep!

Now Freddie is two and lately he has been sicking up his milk, so we made up some milk, which was half milk and half water! Since we started giving this to him, he hasn't needed any movicol at all!! His sleep has also been so much better! 

So now after seeing a different GP who asked if there was any family history with dairy issues (yes there is!), has suggested cutting as much out of his diet as possible which is what we are now trying!

He's getting watered down green top milk in the morning and at night but there rest of the time he is getting water to drink, but we are looking for other drinks to give him and maybe an alternative milk to try! 

Another thing we need to try is new snacks! Freddie loves his fruit covered yogurt bites but since they actually contain dairy we have to stop giving them to him! 

So if anyone has any ideas of snacks we can try that are not too fiddly for me to make or any apps we can try to help us buy him snacks then please email us!

Saturday, 25 November 2017

Happy 2nd Birthday Freddie

Happy second birthday our darling boy.
Today you turn two years old and it has literally been the fastest two years of my life!

It really does not seem five minutes since you were this tiny newborn sleeping on my chest and now you are this tall, blonde haired, blue eyed, cheeky little boy.

Your speech is not as good at two as James was, but then you spend a lot of time with kids where as James was around adults a lot more!

Your favourite words to shout are up there and look! If you see a dog you will shout dog and the same if you are a cat! You adore our neighbours dog Archie and you try your best to say his name when you see him!

You are starting to wear some 2-3 clothes, but the majority are 18-24. You wear a size 4 pull up and a size 6+ nappy at night. 

You absolutely adore your big brother and you hate taking him to school as you miss him so much. You got to go in and see him last week and boy did you enjoy it! As soon as you saw him you went running over to cuddle him. Your favourite part of the day has to be when James comes home from school as you have your partner in crime back and you have someone to play with!

We have also taken the side off your cot and turned it into a bed, and so far you have taken to it pretty well! The first couple of nights it did take a few hours to get you to settle but you seem to have cracked it and you are definitely sleeping so much better which means so are mummy and daddy!

We have so many plans for the next year. We are going to Surrey in February to see Nanny and Pappy, we are also hoping to spend a day in London sightseeing with you and James as James has been doing about the Great fire of London at school so he is desperate to go and see all the sights! and then our first family holiday later in the year which I know you and James will love!!

You were the jigsaw piece which completed our family Freddie Bear and we all love you so much.

Happy birthday my gorgeous boy

Love always 

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Christmas Gift Guide

o it's finally that time of year to start your Christmas shopping! Hopefully you might have already started and be nearly finished! But in case you are not I've put together his little guide of some bits for mummy and kids!

First off we have the gorgeous Pouch of Power from the etsy store Splendid Elk! I actually won this in an Instagram competition a few months ago and I literally adore it! It's a perfect size to put my iPad in if I need to take it out with me. I also use it to keep my wallet and James wallet in in the changing bag so things do not get lost! This retails at £15.00 and can be found on the etsy shop here

Next up we have two fantastic products from Cuddledry. First we have the original Cuddledry handsfree baby bath towel. This is an apron style towel which keeps mum/dad dry when doing bath time. It has a double layer, with a hood which draws moisture away from babies skin and hair. I so wish we had invested in one of these for Freddie as he always soaked us at bath time! This retails at £29.95 and can be purchased here direct from Cuddledry or you can also find them on 

Our second product is the fantastic Cuddleroar toddler towel. We actually reviewed this with Freddie and totally fell in love with it! In fact Freddie likes wearing it over his clothes too! This is brilliant for a wriggling toddler who likes nothing more at bath time than squirming out of his towel and running off naked around the upstairs of our house. Our Oldest son James is 5 and it actually fits him as well, This retails for £34.99 and can be bought direct from Cuddledry and also 

Now we have two gorgeous products from Nibbling! Freddie is teething badly again with his last molars and when he has his dummy clipped to him, he is always chewing the cord it's on. That's where this amazing dummy clip comes in! The Octo dummy clip is made from 100% food grade silicon and is BPA free, meaning it is perfectly safe to be in a little mouth! Freddie fell in love with it as soon as it was clipped to him! He's had it in his mouth chewing on it to relieve the pain of teething! Plus it means no more soggy ribbon that mummy needs to put in the dryer with the washing! And when he was sick on it, like he has been on his fabric ones before, it was rinsed under the tap with hot water and a new dummy attached and handed back to him. The sicky fabric ones needed to go into the washing machine, which is a pain as then they need to be left to dry! This retails for £14 and can be purchased here!

Our next nibbling product is this fabulous puzzle piece necklace. I absolutely love this as when I have Freddie in his carrier he is normally trying to either chew the carrier or chew what ever I am wearing. It was not too pleasant having to wring out my hoody strings after Freddie had been sucking and chewing them! They would get so wet and a lot of drool would come out of them!

 Now he will grab onto the puzzle piece and shove it into his mouth! He has got really painful gums as his final molars are coming through and the rough side of the puzzle piece really soothes him. This retails for £14 and can be purchased here!

Next up is the awesome Lamb and Bear! This fantastic unisex clothing brand is ran by one of my lovely blogger friends Alex. Freddie has had a couple of pairs of her leggings and they really suit him! They wash really well and well Freddie just looks adorable in them!!

Her latest collection has a mustard rhino print and a gorgeous flamingo print! Along with her signature Lamb and Bear print. She also does a gorgeous swaddle blanket, a zippy sleepsuit and matching mummy and baby headbands!

Freddie currently wears the rhinos in age 18-24 months and he is just about to turn 2 and he still has plenty of growing room in them! His last pair were in size 12-18 and he was still fitting into them at 20 months old! Prices start at £7 for a baby headband and leggings from £16!! The lovely Alex has a discount code for all you lovely readers! Just add the code LBFRIEND10 to get ten percent of your order!

I would like to say thank you to Cuddledry, Splendid Elk, Nibbling and Lamb and Bear for taking part in this gift guide for 2017!

**I was sent products in exchange for this gift guide and some I have purchased myself and added in as I love them so much!**

Saturday, 18 November 2017

Forth with Life Review

As a busy mummy of two boys aged 5 and almost 2, I am always exhausted, so when Forth With Life got in touch and asked if I would like to take their baseline heath test, I jumped at the chance!

If there was a reason for me being tired and not just the fact I'm run off my feet with school runs, looking after Freddie, plus cooking, cleaning and of course running my blog then I would like to know then I can investigate more!

The kit was so simple to order and it was with me the very next day. It came in such a small box that it fitted through my letter box, so it didn't matter if i was in the house when it arrived or not!

I decided to wait a few days to do the kit so I could send the sample away on a Monday so I wasn't having to wait all weekend for the results.

The kit contained everything needed to take a small blood sample from my finger, although I ended up having to use three fingers as I pricked the first two in the wrong place!! 

I sent my kit away on the Monday afternoon when I went out to do the school run and I received the email saying my results were back on the Tuesday night, however I didn't actually pick up the email till the Wednesday morning!

I was pleasantly surprised with my results which actually showed I have low Vitamin D levels, so I have since had a blood test at the GPs and I need to book an appointment to discuss the results.

I would like to say thank you to Forth With Life for asking me to take part in this review as otherwise I would have had no idea about my low vitamin levels!

**I was sent this kit free of charge, however the kit retails at £59.99 and is a four monthly subscription, all words and photos are out own**

Friday, 17 November 2017

Christmas Shopping with Uncommon Goods

As a busy mummy of two boys, the easiest way for me to do my Christmas shopping is online! I hate taking both boys to the shops! Especially if I am shopping for Andy as James has a habit or telling him what we have bought! Its not too bad just taking Freddie shopping as he tends to just sit in the pram and snack, where as James will be moaning and saying hes bored every second! 

When gift website Uncommon Goods got in touch and asked me if I could put together a Christmas gift guide from their website I was thrilled! I decided to look for gifts for Andy, James and my dad! 

Uncommon Goods was formed in 1999 with its headquarters being in Brooklyn, New York. They make it their mission to support and provide a platform for artists and designers; in fact, half of what they sell is made by hand. They have also been rewarded for customer service every year since 2007!

The unique gifts for men section, on uncommon goods is fantastic! The first thing to jump out at me was this Stone Drinks Dispenser! I knew straight away this would be something that both my dad and Andy would love as they both love their whiskey and I'm sure they would both enjoy something like this! Plus I think it would look awesome on display in a lounge!

The next gift I found was this fantastic Home Brew Journal. My dad is into making his own Beer and Gin so something like this would be brilliant for him as he could keep a record of what happens when in the beer making process.

When it came to James this amazing construction plate and construction cutlery jumped out at me! James is completely daft about construction vehicles so I think if he got to eat his dinner using a digger he would absolutely be in his element!! 

Plus when James gets too old to use it, it could then be passed onto Freddie who is starting to get into construction vehicles thanks to his big brother!

I also found this amazing Ticket Stub Diary. Even though I was looking for dad, Andy and James something like this would have been brilliant for me when I was growing up as I used to go to a lot of concerts and saved all my tickets! I would have loved to have had something like this to keep all the memories alive!

Another thing I found for Andy or my dad was this awesome Beer Chilling Coaster Set. All that is needed to do is put the stones and caddy into the fridge or freezer to set them and then take a coaster out and put your beer bottle into it! This sound brilliant as they do not stick to the bottom of the bottles and they do not scratch the table!

I have had a brilliant time looking though the Uncommon Goods website and I can see myself going to this site in the future when looking for birthday and Christmas presents for family and friends!

**This is a collaborative post and I have been compensated for my time taken to write it*

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

We Made Me Pao Papoose

We made me is a brand I have lusted after since Freddie was a few months old. I looked at buying their wutti wrap, but I thought Freddie was a bit old and we wouldn't get much use out of it. So when they asked if we would like to review the Pao Papoose I jumped at the chance!

When I got the text to tell me when it was due to be delivered I was very excited! It arrived literally ten minutes before we had to leave to pick up James from school, so I only had time to open the box and take a few photos of the carrier in its case!

The first thing that jumped out at me was the carry case it came in! This is a brilliant idea as it keep the carrier all together and it fits perfectly in the basket of our mamas and papas sola pushchair, so I know it will also fit into the basket of our mamas and papas armadillo too!

We have it a quick test in in the house after school and Freddie was loving it. He was able to put his hands round my neck and give cuddles!

We took it out on a proper test run the next morning. We were running late for school so I thought it would be easier to put Freddie into the Pao Papoose instead of fighting him into the pram. He absolutely loved it! He was high up so he could see so much more. He was able to snuggle into me for cuddles. It was also ideal for me as it meant I could hold James hand as we walked.

 Our second go with the Pao Papoose was a more rushed affair, James was meant to be staying for karate club after school, but he had a slight wobble and his old reception teacher had to phone me to come and get him. It was so much quicker to throw on the Pao Papoose and click Freddie into it than wrestle him into the pram. It also mean I had two free hands for the short walk back from the school with James and all his stuff! 

Over all we are totally in love with the Pao Papoose. Next in my list it to try Freddie in a back carry! There are some brilliant videos on YouTube from We Made Me showing all the different carries you can do with the Pao Papoose!

Since we received the Pao Papoose I would say we would use it at least once a week, especially on the afternoon school run if we are running late, which we quite often are especially if Freddie has had a late nap and not woken up till quite late!! 

Disclaimer: We were sent the We Made Me Pao Papoose free of charge in exchange for our honest review. All opinions and images are our own

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Bibetta Cover all bib

With a busy toddler, meal time are definitely challenging and very messy! So when Bibetta offered us one of their cover all bibs we jumped at the chance! Freddie is at the stage where he wants to feed himself so normally we get food all over the clothes!

This bib was an utter godsend when we went to stay with my parents obtain he school half term holiday. They don't have a proper highchair for Freddie, only a booster seat that clips onto a chair, but it doesn't have a tray, so with Freddie wanting to feed himself, a cover all bib is a necessity! 

Made out of neoprene and machine washable at 30, it is also tumbler dryer proof, which with a messy boy like Freddie, is a godsend as everything goes in our tumble dryer! 

With elasticated cuffs there is no chance of Freddie getting food down the inside, which is a regular occurrence in his other cover all bibs! 

Freddie was wanting to feed himself his breakfast, which was porridge, and even though he dropped some it went on his bib rather than himself or more importantly his pjs! 

I can safely say this bib is brilliant and I think it will be first thing into our bag when we go to see nana and gaga!

**We were sent this bib free of charge in excess for this review, all words and pictures are our own**

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Cuddleroar Review

Bathing a wriggling toddler can be such a nightmare! Especially when it comes to getting them out and dry!! Freddie is about to turn two and so getting him in and out of the bath can me fun! Especially when it comes to the getting out part as normally mummy or daddy ends up soaking wet!!
So when the lovely people at Cuddledry got in touch and asked if we would like to review the Cuddleroar towel with Freddie we jumped at the chance!!

When the towel first arrived Freddie couldn't wait to put it on actually over the top of his clothes!

What mummy loves about the towel is  the fact it contains bamboo fibre and cotton, meaning its silky soft and 60% more absorbent than just cotton on its own! It also has a super absorbent cosy hood to dry hair and keep warmth in! Its from walking to age three, but as we discovered it actually still fits our five year old James as well and he is pretty tall for his age! And of course it is super fluffy and cosy!!

Freddie loves bath time and even though he has the super cosy Cuddleroar, he still hates getting out the bath, but it definitely stops us having a naked toddler running around the house as when using a normal generic bath towel on Freddie he normally manages to squirm out of it and run around naked! But since the Cuddleroar has the press stud on the hood to keep the towel on, he can still run around but he is running around with a towel still on!

I wish we had invested in one of these when James was tiny as he was definitely a runner after bath time too!

The Cuddleroar is available
to purchase direct from Cuddledry for £34.99 and can also be found on Amazon!