Sunday, 28 September 2014

What a lazy day.

So it's Sunday, a day of rest so yes after a mad few days we decided to take it easy today. 

James had a nap and while he was down I started making a batch of fairy cakes which turned out ok for once. But as I was getting them out the oven I managed to burn my arm just above my wrist. It's about half an inch long red and sore. Thank goodness for sudocream! 


So it's been a day of laziness, football, baking and now bits of chicken are roasting in an onion gravy to eat with roast potatoes! 

Back to working tomorrow so fingers crossed I can get a lot done this week. 

Silent Sunday

Monday, 22 September 2014

Family day out

So today is the last day of Andys week off. We have had a good week spending time together as a family and getting things done around the house, but sadly not the garden or the jungle.

We decided today to take James to the discovery museum in Newcastle. I have been before about 7 years ago though, so long before I met Andy.

It was pretty good day even though James fell asleep on the way back into town on our way to go get lunch.

One funny thing was when we were looking at a Newcastle United exhibition James started shouting lady lady and pointing. I looked over n saw no James wasn't pointing at a lady but a erm photo of Alan Shearer. Then the second time he did it again no not a lady this time a photo of Kevin Keegan!!!

We were meant to be having a day of no spending money bar the little bits we needed. When we got back home we had lunch then me and Andy started making some more bread. While the bread was on its first hour proving James decided to jump on me and rip my glasses of my face totally snapping one of the arms off. Andy had to tape it back on so I could nip into town and get the frames replaced. £46 the new frames cost. Needless to say James was all cuddly and clingy saying sorry mummy eyes broken. Pretty hard to be mad at his little face. 

So Andy is back to work tomorrow, still he is off this weekend so that's all good but it's back to full time web building for me tomorrow that's if James will stay with his gaga and let mummy and nana work. 

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

My first loaf!

Wow well my first attempt at bread making has turned out pretty good.
It sounded hollow when tapped on the bottom.
So the next test will be in the tasting once it has cooled down. 

Bread making

So the last few weeks Andy has really got into making his own bread which is so much nicer than shop bought bread and it costs roughly 30p a loaf to make.

This morning he's decided to get me to make it under his supervision.

As I write this the dough is on it's first hour of proving. 

I love nothing better than being in the kitchen baking something but it's normally finding the time to get into the kitchen to bake I have the problem with!!!

Below was the first loaf Andy made a couple of weeks ago!


I hope my first attempt comes out as good as his!!!

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Its finally finished

Hurray after a long two stressful months we have finally got the lounge wall papered!

My lovely dad and husband spent all afternoon doing it and boy was it a fiddly job. Our walls are not exactly in good condition and where we thought there were bubbles it was actually the condition of the walls behind.

Now all we need to do is order our new corner sofa, up cycle our sideboard and get a new table lamp and we are done! It's only taken us two months when it was only meant to take a week.



Monday, 15 September 2014

No it's mummy to you!

So my darling little boy has hit the stage where he's calling us Andy and Vicki. 
It can be funny at times but when he starts shouting your names in middle of town, you do get some funny looks. Ihave started telling James that I won't answer to anything other than mummy. 

Still he has the butter wouldn't melt look on his face when he's doing it so he knows he shouldn't be. We have Andy off work on holiday this week so hopefully going to get out and about.

Today was a relax and chill day but later in week we are hoping to go to Baltic, the discovery museum and if we have time maybe the national glass centre, sunderland museum and the winter gardens.

Oh and we are finally getting the lounge wallpapered tomorrow!!!!

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Back to Toddlers

So after a crazy summer where we haven't been able to get to our toddler group, today we are finally getting to go back.

James is so excited to be getting back and mummy is looking forward to being able to sit down and chill while James is playing with all the toys!

Will report after how it was being back