Wednesday 26 August 2015

James you are Three!

1634pm on August 26th 2012 is ingrained on my mind as the time and date you were born, Where did the time go little legs? 

I feel like I have blinked and you have gone from a tiny helpless baby who would sleep on me, to this feisty, independent, inquisitive little boy.

This last year you have grown up so much. Your speech amazes me. We can sit and have a lovely little conversation. You are still crazy about diggers, trains, cars, ok any type of transport. 

You have moved house again this year, but this time it's our house! The house mummy and daddy chose to buy for our family! You love your new bedroom and especially love our garden! 

You adore spending time with your nana and gaga, although you can wrap them round your little finger, especially your gaga when it comes to Pringles! You can spot them a mile away in the supermarket.

You have learned how to use an iPad and android tablet. You really are an expert in YouTube! Your favourite shows are Tayo the little bus, Robocar & Heroes of the City! But you also love old shows like Fireman Sam and of course good old Peppa Pig and Ben and Holly's little Kingdom.

You start nursery in a few weeks and boy are you ready for it! You have been desperate to go since we had your taster visit back in July! We walk past the school on our way to the shops and you get so excited telling me that's your new nursery! 

By Christmas you will be a big brother! I cannot wait to watch your relationship with your little brother grow and develop. He's going to be a lucky boy having you as his brilliant big brother.

I hope you enjoy your special day my gorgeous boy

Lots of love Jamesy bugs

Mummy xxx

Tuesday 11 August 2015

25 week Pregnancy Update

I'm feeling so large at the moment! 

Over the last two weeks I have had bad pulled muscles in the bump which were so painful I had to ring community midwives. Turned out to be from picking up James too much. So I have had to seriously cut back on picking him up which has been so hard. Means no bath time for James when daddy is on late shift. 

I have been sleeping so much better since I got my giant U shaped pillow. It's supporting both the bump and my back. Can't believe it's only 15 weeks till due date, but I'm convinced little Mr H is going to be at least a week late.

Been getting a lot of kicks and squirms from baby boy! He's definitely getting more active! He seems to be at his most active on an evening when I'm settling James down in bed, think I'm going to have another Thomas fan on my hands as he kicks away while I'm reading Thomas stories to James.

Speaking of James, he has turned into a threenager over this last week! We have had serious rebelling against mummy and daddy. He's been climbing on daddy's desk and into the back window and standing on the window ledge. Then he discovered he could do the same in the front window which resulted on Saturday night with the curtain rail half down then on Sunday afternoon he pulled the whole thing down! Daddy put it back up, but no sooner had daddy left for work on Monday he pulled it completely down again! 

Over all I'm feeling pretty good. Next update will be at 28 weeks eek! 

Friday 7 August 2015

Back pain & pregnancy with Deep Freeze

As a busy mum of an almost three year old with number two on the way,the exercise I tend to do the most is walking. Wether it's walking to local shops or to the children's centre it's something I enjoy especially with James. When I was younger I did use a gym and swim but a knee injury in my early twenties slowed me down and walking became something to do to strengthen my leg back up.

As we are trying to get James used to not taking out his pushchair as much in preparation for his little brother arriving, a nice walk as a family is brilliant. Before we moved into our house we were staying with my parents, who live on the Northumberland Coast. There was nothing better than slipping a pair of reins onto James and taking him down to the harbour to see the boats and ducks or up to the park at the top of their road to burn off some of his excess energy before bed time.

After a day out in Newcastle with only one brief sit down to eat a sandwich, oh dear my poor back was in agony. I spent most of the evening and most of the next day resting on the sofa. I even had to resort to lying on our bed after a deep soak in the bath. Lucky it was a Sunday and Andy was at home to take over the majority of care for James, who at almost three turns everything into a battle, especially getting dressed, having his bum changed and of course the dreaded bedtime.

I was sent a pack with Deep Freeze patches to see if they would help the pain I was suffering. I knew I had a busy day coming up with James starting with a trip to the children's centre and then into town to pick up a few baby bits & spend some time with my parents. I decided to see if the patches would help with any pain I was in after. 

When we got in I had twinges in my back but had a few tasks to do before I could sit down, by the time I had put washing on, unpacked baby shopping and unpacked my new pregnancy pillow my back was in agony. I popped on a deep freeze patch and the relief it gave me was a joy! I seriously could have kissed the patch! I was able to sit down and chill out without having to wriggle on sofa trying to get comfy. I was also able to cook dinner without needing to get a chair out.

I have used the deep heat cream and patches in the past but never the deep freeze till now! These are something I'm definitely going to keep in the house for the rest of my pregnancy and after! I absolutely love the re sealable package the patches come in. It means I can pop them in my bag without worrying the box is going to get damaged.

I'm working with BritMums and Deep Freeze Pain Relief Cold Patch, writing about pregnancy and muscular back pain. I was provided Deep Freeze Pain Relief Cold Patch and have been compensated for my time. All editorial and opinions are my own. Visit for more information.