Saturday, 24 October 2015

Nursery - First half term over!

So it's half term holidays! James has finished his first few weeks at nursery. Ok the schools here didn't go back till 7th September, so James didn't get his home visit till 14th September, then his induction morning was on 16th September. He then didn't have his first two hour session till the following Thursday.

How has he done? Well after a very shaky start of him being very upset at drop off and not doing too well on his first couple of days at three hours. This last week he has done his full 15 hours and he has absolutely loved it! 

We are still having trouble with him not using the toilet at school, but other than that he has really settled down and has started making some friends. He loves doing painting and drawing, he also loves the sandpit! For a child who hated sand this time last year it's amazing how much he loves the sandpit.

CB bear is still going in with him, but hopefully we will be leaving CB at home soon to look after mummy! 

He gets very grumpy on a weekend when he is not in nursery, so I'm really hoping we don't have too many problems this week with there being no nursery!

Once he goes back after half term there is only three weeks till baby brother is due to arrive!

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