Tuesday, 9 April 2019

[AD] The City Is Where We're Going Next at Baltic

On Saturday just gone (6/4) we attended a very special event! We got to go to Baltic on Gateshead Quayside to experience their new family play exhibition "The City Is Where We're Going Next" By Simon and Tom Bloor before it was officially opened to the public on 8th April (Yesterday!)

Baltic is open seven days a week from 10am till 6pm and the best thing is its Free! When you have kids free things to do on a weekend or a school holiday are a must! Its even open on the Bank Holidays!

The information leaflet about the show informed us that the exhibition takes its title from an American landscape architect and urban playground designer M. Paul Friedberg's idea of enjoying the city. Through their art work the Bloor's encourage us to reconsider how we engage with the civic space and invite us to re imagine urban hostile places as sites of inspiration and possibility.

Both James and Freddie had an absolute ball! Freddie in particular was very taken with the giant balls and the traffic lights. He was also climbing on the brightly painted pallets and sliding down the other side! James loved climbing all over the pallets and both boys were totally thrilled with the two big dumper bags of rubber bricks! They sat for ages building towers and walls out of them!

Another big hit with James was the funny mirrors that were like the ones you get at fun fairs where you look really silly when you stand in them! The reclaimed road signs which were painted bright colours and had bits of coloured magnets on were another big hit especially with James!

We had an absolutely fantastic time visiting and we are already planning a return before the end of the school holidays!

"The City Is Where We're Going Next" is open seven days a week till 2nd June, Located on Level 4 of Baltic. 

You can find Baltic on Social Media at @balticmill on Facebook, @balticgateshead on Instagram and @balticmill on Twitter!

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