Monday, 15 April 2019

Siblings Project 2019 - April

Welcome to the 4th instalment of the 2019 Siblings Project!
I really cannot believe it is April already! This month its mummy's birthday in fact mummy's birthday is only a couple of days away!

This month we have an invader in the photographs in the shape of Daddy! It is getting so hard to get a nice photograph of the boys together, that sometimes the only way of getting one is to say have a photograph with Daddy!

This month James is loving
*Beavers - He came home at the end of term with eight badges!
*Reading - He's been reading lots of books this month and earning them with is reward chart!
*Dreamworks Dragon - James found this while we were scanning Netflix and he loves it!

Freddie is loving
*Peppa Pig - He literally watches seasons 1-5 on repeat on Amazon Prime!
*Moo - He goes mental if he cannot find his Moo for a cuddle
*The Toilet - Freddie is starting to potty train so he loves visiting the toilet with everyone!

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