Sunday, 15 December 2019

Siblings December

Wow the final siblings post of 2019!It literally does not seem five minutes since I made the first post of 2019 and now here we are on the last post of the year!

The boys have grown up and changed so much! At the start of the year, Freddie had just turned 3 and had just started his 15 preschool hours at our local playgroup! We were also still trying to navigate his allergies and see what was still causing him problems. Now in December he is 4 years old, in our local primary school nursery and he has been allergy reaction clear for four and a half months!

James has grown up so much this year! He is now 7 years old, he has done 3 nights away with his Beaver Colony and one school residential trip for one night! 

I am looking forward to continuing this series come 2020 as it is a lovely way to see how much the boys have grown up over the year!

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