Monday, 2 November 2020

#ACEit Challenge with Britmums

 With two boys now in full time primary school, I'm having to wash ten plain white polo shirts a week! And with having one boy in reception class his white tops are coming home pretty dirty every day!

We are now seven weeks into term and the polo shirts that were white at the start of term are now a nice shade of pale grey and I am refusing to buy any more shirts unless I absolutely have too! With James a few years ago I had to replace some of his shirts at the Christmas holidays as they were not only a nice shade of grey, but also stained from him playing with paint!

This is where Ace Ultra for whites comes in! It is specifically formulated to help brighten dull whites, It's gentle on delicate clothes, It tackles germs and odours, including viruses! This means not only do your clothes smell cleaner, they actually are cleaner! Something even more important in the current climate! Its concentrated, making it among the most affordable ways to keep white clothes looking bright!

Here you can see the boys polo tops after being worn and washed for seven weeks! They definitely do not look like they did when they came out of the packets when I bought them in the summer holidays!

The tops had a lovely grey tinge to them and the odd food mark or pen mark! Both my boys are notorious for taking their jumpers off in the classroom for no reason at all lol!

This was how the  polo tops when they came out the washing machine! They definitely looked a lot whiter and they certainly smelt good!  The next challenge was to see how they were when they came out of the tumble dryer.
And they are out of the tumble dryer! And wow the difference in the colour is amazing! These shirts were virtually grey after being worn for seven weeks and washed every weekend! We will definitely keep on using Ace Ultra for whites on the boys school tops! Especially given the current situation with another lockdown looming!

**This post is an entry for the #ACEit Challenge sponsored by Ace. Get ideas on how to wash whites, treat stains and laundry like a boss with tips from the Ace Site!**

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