Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Good Bye 2014

Well 2014 is all but over and I for one am so glad!

This year didn't start out the best, my lovely great aunt died at the end of January. She had taken ill at start of December and we knew she didn't have long left.

Then we lost my nannie end of May, well that completely destroyed me as I was so close to her and James absolutely adored her.

But on a happier note I started this blog and have made so many new blogger friends.

2014 ends on a good note though as my best friend is making me an auntie end of May and I'm so excited for her and her husband. They are the best aunt and uncle to James and he absolutely adores them.

2015 well I hopefully we will be buying a house and have just had a mortgage agreed in principle. So its time to start house hunting so we can finally lay down some proper roots for James especially as he is due to start nursery school in September. And of couse get the dog we have been wanting since we got together!

March will see our 4th wedding anniversary and then just after James turns 3 we will be celebrating 7 years together.

April is a big month for me as I turn thirty eeek!!!

So its good bye 2014 and Hello 2015!!!

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