Monday, 3 September 2018

Living Arrows 2018 36/53

Welcome back to another week of Living Arrows hosted by Donna over at What The Redhead Said. If you are new to this then the name of the linky comes from the poem by Kahlil Gibran "You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth"

This week has been brilliant as daddy has been off work on holiday and we did so many fun things!! 

We came home from Nana and Gaga's house on Monday and stopped off at Aldi to pick up a few bits. We then came home and chilled out for the rest of the day!

On Tuesday we started cleaning and tidying up the house as it was time for a mass clear out! Mummy dropped a bag of clothes off at the charity shop and returned the boys library books as well!

The boys were also treated to some new shoes on Wednesday! James needed school shoes, PE shoes and new wellie boots. Plus Freddie needed some new shoes for the autumn. Nana and Gaga came over for a while as well as they were bringing back James Birthday presents that we couldn't bring back on the bus, they also helped us to do a few bits in the garden and Gaga cut Freddie's hair! 

James got his back to school hair cut at the barbers on Thursday morning while mummy and Freddie were at home! Freddie was strapped into his high chair with the kindle fire and Peppa Pig while mummy did the mass label of new school uniform for James ready for next week. Mummy also made sure the boys bags were packed ready for their first days back at school and playgroup complete with spacers and inhalers!

Friday we headed up to Tesco to do some shopping and to get in the bits we needed for James party on Sunday like pizzas, drinks and popcorn!!

We ended the week with James birthday party on Sunday afternoon at our house! He had four of his friends over to have pizza and watch The BFG Movie!! 

Living Arrows

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