Monday, 18 February 2019

Living Arrows 2019 07/52

Welcome to Living Arrows post 2019! If you haven't heard of the linky before, This was set up by Donna at What the Redhead Said and the name comes from the poem by Kahlil Gibran "You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth" Each week I post one photo of James and one photo of Freddie and share what they have been up to that week!

This week the boys are on half term and we have lots of exciting plans! However last week was a pretty busy week for the boys!

James had all his usual school commitments and then on Thursday he had Beavers. Mummy took advantage of having a child free Tuesday and went out and bought James a whole load of new long sleeved tops as he had outgrown most of what was in his wardrobe! Sunday nights James gets to stay up later and watch Dancing on Ice with mummy which he loves!

Freddie had a great week at playgroup, we are not having as many tears at drop off and he is even carrying in his own lunch bag now! He is definitely very different to James at the same age! He is so much more opinionated lol!

Living Arrows

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