Monday, 26 March 2018

Living Arrows 2018 13/53

Welcome to week 13 of Living Arrows 2018!

This week is the last week of term then the boys are off for two weeks Easter Holidays! 
James has been so exhausted lately so I am so glad this week is only a four day week!! 
The boys went to stay with Nana and Gaga on Friday night as mummy and daddy were having a night out to celebrate our wedding anniversary which was last week!

Freddie has been such a little monkey this week! He is definitely way more mischievous than James ever was at his age! But as soon as he sees the camera he stops doing whatever he is doing and shouts Cheese! He has also been playing with his Kevin Carrot from Aldi! Its stems from watching Rebecca Rabbit on Peppa saying Carrot Carrot on one episode!

Living Arrows


  1. Awww cute action pics x

  2. They are always exhausted the final week before school holidays I find. How cute that Freddie loves his carrot so much x #livingarrows

  3. Oh I adore the cheese phase!! x

  4. Awww cute. I'm ready for the holidays too! #livingarrows
