Monday, 13 August 2018

Living Arrows 2018 33/53

Welcome back to another week of Living Arrows hosted by Donna over at What The Redhead Said. If you are new to this then the name of the linky comes from the poem by Kahlil Gibran "You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth"

I can't believe we have made it to week 33 already!! We are now over half way through the summer holidays and on the final count down to James turning six, his birthday party and of course the return to school and the start of year two!

So James has spent the last week staying with his Nana and Gaga getting totally spoilt rotten as normal! Mummy and Freddie did crash his trip for one night so mummy could catch up with some of her old friends who she has not seen in years and also so they could meet the boys!

Mummy and Freddie came home on Tuesday on the bus and had a chilled out afternoon. Wednesday we took a walk across to Kingston Park to get Freddie out the house and away from the demands of Peppa Pig on Amazon Prime. 

While we were doing that James had a trip to Warkworth Castle which is near his Nana and Gaga's house. They have passes to get into the castle and James absolutely loves going when he visits!

Thursday we had a Sure Start group on at the local sports field, we didn't actually stay too long as Freddie was not impressed at it being where it was. I think when I told him we were going to Sure Start he thought we were going to be in the room and garden we normally are, not in the local park. We were back home by half past 12 when it only started at 12! James on the other hand had a trip to Alnmouth beach and tea at the local pub!

Friday mummy and Freddie went back across to Kingston Park to get Freddie his nappies, pull ups and dairy free snacks. We then went to Aldi as it had reopened after its refurbishment and got lost in the shop!!

James came home on Saturday lunch time and Freddie was thrilled to see him!! It was impossible to chose one photo of James from his time away so its a collage of him at the beach and out for dinner!

Freddie has just been a little cheese ball as normal when he sees the camera! His photo was taken when he stole my iPad and sat on the sofa!

Living Arrows


  1. it is so nice to go out of the house sometimes, right? I know what you mean with Peppa Pig on Amazon LOL. So easy to just stay in from of the TV when it is getting cold. Sweet pics #livingarrows

  2. It looks like a great time was had on the beach! x
