Sunday, 16 April 2017

What's in our Coach Bags?

So we are traveling from Newcastle down to Alton Towers via coach with National holidays soon. 

We have done a coach to London before last year with the boys, James had just turned 4 and Freddie was 9 months. Now Freddie is 16  month's, walking and very active!

We have packed the boys a little rucksack each to keep them amused on the trip down and back!

So in James bag we have an usbourne sticker book he got for his birthday last summer, his new laalaa Teletubby, his pad loaded with games and his headphones. Of course his best friend CB will be there too!

For Freddie we have packed a couple of teethers, his new po Teletubby, a book, his headphones, his bunny and a blanket he loves to snuggle up too. We also have the Trunki Yondi in Freddie's bag to stop his head drooping when he's asleep on coach.

We have made lots of little snack bags with a mixture of safari biscuits, mini chedders and little dish gogo's. These will be kept in mummy's bag to stop James eating them all! 

Mummy has her bag with the snacks, drinks etc in plus Freddie's milk and bottles. Of course my iPad and headphones too! I have download the postman pat movie on Netflix and a few other bits for Freddie while daddy has downloaded stuff for James! 

Hopefully we have packed enough for the coach! Wish us luck!