Sunday, 29 June 2014
Saturday, 28 June 2014
Friday, 27 June 2014
My boy the poser!
He really can be such a poser at times, more so now he has more teeth to show off!
Totseat by Hippychick
This happened to us a few of months ago, fathers day in fact. We went out for lunch with my parents and the place we went to didn't have high chairs. If we had had the Totseat then, all our problems would have been solved.
Yondi by Trunki
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
The Hoppings
So those of you from the north east will know what I'm talking about but for those of you from further away the hoppings is Europe's largest travelling fair which spends eight days every last week in June on the town moor in Newcastle.
Its been going for over 120 years and for me it has become a family tradition of going. I have missed a few years due to injury and of course when I was pregnant with James, but other than that I have bee every year since I was just over a year old.
Now I was a bit worried about taking James after his bad experience at morpeth fair day so had already decided on two rides to go on.
The first was the big heltascelter which I loved whwn I was a kid and still love it now! My dad had the pleasure of sliding down with James with me following.
The second ride was the giant wheel which I have been going on with my parents so this was the first time Andy got to experience it along with James.
James absolutely loved the two rides he went on and actually did a lot of walking on the moor too.
This year we have had brilliant weather for the rides compared to last time when we had nothing but rain and the whole 8 days was ruined.
Can't wait till they come back next year!
Sunday, 22 June 2014
Weekend Away with a toddler
So this weekend myself Andy and James went up to Aberdeen to stay with our friends for the weekend. It was our friend Richards 30th birthday so we had a bit of a party at his and Michelle's flat on the Saturday night.
We traveled up early on the Friday morning and came back late morning on the Sunday.
We arrived about lunchtime on the Friday and went back to our friends flat to chill for a bit before I went with Michelle to set up for a fair the next morning (she makes amazing jewellery and soaps).
We then went to Michelle's parents house to see them and their dog Bracken. We then went down to the each to go to TGI Fridays for a meal. Well I'm surprised we were not thrown out due to James and his bad behaviour. Although to be fair we were sat in a booth with him between us as there we're no highchair tables free.
We then went next door to codonas leisure where we were all trying to win teddies for James and no one managed.
Travelling with a toddler part two
Well part two began with a case of pass the toddler before the train had even left the station.
James was much better behaved on the return leg from Aberdeen than he had been on the way too Aberdeen. I think this was because the trip up was quite early and the return leg was late morning so he got to have a nap around midday which is when he normally tends to sleep.
He was really good until about the last 45 minutes when I think the novelty of being stuck on the train was starting to wear off and he started to lose patients.
Drastic action was needed so I spent the last 45 minutes of the trip standing in the vestibule between our carriage and the next carriage with James in his pushchair. He seemed to calm down once he was on his wheels.
The train got into Newcastle at 4pm and including our stop at the shop for milk it took us an hour to get home via the metro as we had to change due to a fault developing with our train.
Next time we travel long distance by train I will definitely be searching other mummy blogs for train travel with toddler.
Friday, 20 June 2014
Traveling with a toddler part one
So Friday we travelled up to Aberdeen to spend the weekend with our friends.
I was so scared about travelling up on the train with James as it was his first long train trip since August last year when he was literally just a year old.
We had a few cases of pass the toddler over the table before James finally passed out for about half an hour then he had some food. Changing a nappy on a moving train with a wriggling toddler was an experience to say the least. At least the toilet was small enough for me to stop James letting himself out while mummy was using the loo!
Andy spent the majority of the first leg trying to stop James annoying other passengers. Poor boy is so used to being on the go all the time and never sitting still that being so restricted on the train really seemed to upset him and of course tire out mummy and daddy.
That was only part one we still have to do the return leg in a few days at a different time of day.
Stay tuned for part two coming in a few days!!!
Sunday, 15 June 2014
Saturday, 14 June 2014
Mother and Baby Magazine
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
Toddlers and funerals
Sunday, 8 June 2014
Fair Day
Today was Morpeth fair day. It's held every year on the second Sunday in June.
Me and Andy first went the year I was pregnant with James, then last year we took James and he fell asleep in his pram so we didn't get onto any rides. So this year I was hopeful he wouldn't sleep through it and yey he didn't!!
I took him on a spinning tea cups ride which he seemed to love but when he went on a kids swinging chairs ride oh boy. At first he seemed to love it but when it got faster the tears came and by the time the ride was over he was bawling his eyes out. I felt like such a bad mummy :(
Still he has forgiven me. Next fair we are off to is the hoppings on Newcastle town moor in a few weeks. I'm so excited as I haven't been for a few years and this will be first one for James and Andy. We will be going to this with my parents like I always did as a kid.
Saturday, 7 June 2014
Chill out day
Thursday, 5 June 2014
Back to routine
This week has been trying to get James back into some sort of a normal routine.
For the last week since we lost nannie he's not really been napping much. He's been very clingy to his nana and mummy
So today being Thursday we are back at our toddler group. Its a relief to see James running around with his little friends and playing with the toys rather than being glued to my side all the time.
For me its also good being back as its a bit of normality back in our lives before we have the funeral to face on Tuesday morning.