Sunday, 29 March 2015

Moving update

So we are currently in the middle of buying our first family home.

We have been renting since we got together almost seven years ago and are currently in our fifth rented property together but our first house.

Seeing as our tenancy is up before we have completed on the house. All our furniture is going into the local safe store inNewcastle, while we go and temporary camp out at my mum and dads while waiting on the sale completing.

We made a start on packing up the house a few weeks ago and our dining room is currently piled high with boxes.

James seems to be taking it ok. We have been talking to him for a while about his new house, his new bedroom and his new garden. 

We started packing up stuff in his bedroom today and he was taking it pretty well. Most of his teddies been put into black bags apart from his favourites - Baby Tad, Mr Panda, Mr Moussey Supermarket & of course CB who will be coming with us to nana and gaga's house.

There's not much left to do, we are hoping to get our beds collapsed next weekend then it's all systems go for leaving the house and handing back the keys on 20th April.

Silent Sunday

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

*PR Post* Asbestos Advice Helpline

It has been reported that almost 90% of UK schools contain the deadly material asbestos and with the government’s policy on this still very much that of ‘manage rather than remove,’ our children are at risk!

Simple classroom activities such as pinning work to a wall, removing books from a cupboard or slamming a door can release thousands of asbestos fibres into the air which, when inhaled, can lead to the development of asbestos-related diseases in later life including mesotheliomaasbestosislung cancer or pleural thickening.

To bring home the reality of Asbestos in schools, the Asbestos Advice Helpline have created the infographic below. It is something they hope will bring home the reality.

As a parent of a small child about to enter into school system, this is quite shocking to read. I'm hoping all the schools my son attends are new and don't contain asbestos.

**This is a PR post**

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Fourth Wedding Anniversary

So today marks our fourth wedding anniversary. 

We got married on 19 March 2011 at The Sun Hotel in the beautiful village of Warkworth. The hotel has been a big part of my life as we went there for family meals as I was growing up and also my mum used to go there with her parents and aunt and uncle. In fact when mums uncle retired he ended up with a part time job behind the bar. 

It was a beautiful Saturday lunchtime when we had our ceremony, the days leading up to the wedding it had been so foggy and miserable, so went I woke up on the Saturday morning to see blue skies and the sun shining I was relieved. 

Unfortunately for me I was actually ill on our wedding day. When we arrived up from Surrey on the Wednesday I had a bit of a sore throat. It was when I woke up on the Thursday morning with no voice we were worried. I managed to see a doctor and unfortunately I had tonsillitis. So I spent the two days before my big day in bed on antibiotics. I managed to enjoy the day but I did end up in bed by 10pm asleep. 

What a fast four years it has been. We have done a lot in those four years - went to Orlando on honeymoon, relocated from Surrey back to my home town, then found out James was on the way, found a lovely flat and of course then James arrived. 

I'm not saying it's been an easy four years because it hasn't. We have had plenty of ups and downs. Lots of tears and lots of laughter. This last year has been the worst of my life with losing my nannie, who I miss so much everyday. I don't know what I would have done without Andy. He's my rock. He's been there every step of the way to hold my hand and wipe away my tears.

But what I really wanted to say to my wonderful husband is that I love him so very much and can't imagine my life without him. Him and James are my whole world.

Here's to another year together let's make it even better than the rest xxx 

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

**Review** Slumbersac Sleeping Bag with Feet.

When the people from Slumbersac asked if we would review their sleeping bag with feet. We jumped at the chance. says "Our sleeping bags with feet are just like normal sleep sacks, but with openings for feet! Children can walk freely without tripping up while staying cosy in their bag!"

James outgrew his old sleeping bags last year and sleeping with just a duvet has proved tricky as he is a big fidget in his sleep and I'm always finding the duvet on the floor in the mornings.

Where we are currently living the temperature in his room is a strange one. One night you can put him to bed and his Gro egg is reading 22 degrees and the next night at exactly the same time it can be reading 15 degrees. The last few months we have had a lot of early morning wake up screams around 2/3am as James has woken up freezing and the Gro egg has been reading as low as 10 degrees.

The sleeping bag we are testing is age 3-4 so is quiet long, but with it having the feet holes it's no problem and James is quite tall for his age. It's a 2.5 tog so it's nice and cosy.

The first night we went to put it on, James was a bit unsure as it had been a longtime since he had worn anything similar. But he soon settled down to sleep and the next time we heard from him it was just after 7am and he had slept from 8pm

I went to take it off him so daddy could change him and boy we had real tears running down his face as he didn't want to take his bag off. 

When I went to put it on him for the second night after he was in his pjs after his bath he was so excited. He wanted his bag on. He settled down had story and milk and was fast asleep by half past six. He woke up once for a drink and went straight back to sleep and woke for the day at quarter past six.

Overall I am 100% impressed with this product and we will definitely continue to use it at night and around the house if James is cold. 

The age 3-4 sac we reviewed retails for £22.99. It can be purchased from prices for the smaller sizes start at £18.99 

**We were sent this sleeping bag with feet free of charge in exchange for this review. All photos and opinions are my own.**

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Silent Sunday

Happy Mothers Day Mum

Happy Mother's Day Mum

So it's Mother's Day in the UK today. And I just wanted to leave a little short note to wish my wonderful mum happy Mother's Day.

It's not been the easiest year with losing Nannie, but I'm determined we will make it a brilliant year. 

You really are the best mum and nanna to James in the whole world! We love you lots xxx 

Sunday, 8 March 2015

What's in my make up bag

I'm seeing a lot of what's in my...? posts at the moment on different blogs, so I thought I would do a post on what's in my make up bag.

This is my small bag with what I would normally wear on a day out. I have another big case in my wardrobe with some other stuff in, but this is what I'm favouriting at the moment.

These are the eye shadows I have in the bag at the moment. The one at the back is an Estée Lauder 02 Cappuccino. I got this a few years ago as a birthday present and it's been in and out my bag ever since. In front of that we have my two latest buys from the new range at poundland. We have Pink Champagne number 4 and Vintage Rose number 6. At the very front is colour trend by Avon spirits. Again this was a purchase a few years ago and has been in and out my make up bag.

Here we have from left to right my Max Factor Masterclass under eye concealer in Ivory 303, this was first purchased four years ago when we got married and was worn on our wedding day. Then we have my new buy again from the poundland range, never ending story lengthening mascara. This is really good. I absolutely love it and it's great for just popping on quickly. Finally we have my Max Factor Masterpiece high definition mascara. Again this was another wedding purchase and loved it and still do four years later.

Again left to right we have Max Factor Lipfinity Lip Tint in shade 08. This was bought a couple of years ago for my best friends hen party as I needed a darker lip colour that would stay put all night and it worked. Then we have two lip salves. Normally these are in my drawers. But seeing as we are due to be moving so. They got put in the bag. Then we have my two new colours again from the poundland range. We have 01 perfectly nude this is perfect for wearing during the day. Then we have 18 black cherry. This is a fantastic colour for wearing on a night out. I have worn it on a day time but it's just too dark for daytime.

Finally we have my foundation and blusher. The Max Factor weightless foundation again was another wedding purchase and has been bought and bought again since as it lasts all day and suits my skin. Then we have the poundland gorgeous flawless in Ivory 1. I have just bought this so haven't actually tried it yet but hoping to try it this week. Then will review it in full. Finally we have my Max Factor blusher in 220 classic rose. This is the actual one I bought for my wedding day four years ago. I don't wear blusher much. Normally only on a night out, so no wonder it's still going strong four years later!!!

So that's what's currently in my makeup bag. If you can think of any products you think I might like leave a comment or drop me an email. 

Silent Sunday

Thursday, 5 March 2015

**Review** Design a T-shirt kit

When the people from got in touch with us offering us one of their design kits for James I was thrilled.

The kit consisted of a fruit of the loom t-shirt, a t-shirt transfer, fabric pens, and full instructions for the ironing of the transfer and the after care for washing.

First thing that I did was position the transfer onto the t-shirt. I then ironed the transfer onto the tshirt. James is mad about construction vehicles, so I was pleased to see he had been sent a dumper truck transfer.

I then left the tshirt to cool down so I could remove the backing paper.

Once the tshirt was cool, I removed the backing paper and revealed the dumper truck on the tshirt. 

Now it's ready to hand over to James to decorate with the fabric pens.

James got very excited when he saw the pens and the t-shirt. He wanted to do big splotches of colour. He then discovered (with the help of mummy), that scrunched up kitchen paper gave a great effect.

He had a great time putting the colour on and then using the kitchen roll to make a pattern.

The final tshirt is now hanging up to dry. I cannot wait for James to be able to wear this and show of his handy work.

** sent us this kit free of charge in exchange for our honest review**

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Troublesome Toddler and The Big Move

So James is 30 months old or two and a half years. In six more months my tiny 6lbs 15oz little boy is going to be three!! I feel like I have blinked, especially in the last six months, and my little boy has really grown up. 

He really amazes me on a daily basis with all the new things he is coming out with and doing.

But he can also be a little devil. He hates being told no and boy does he show you if he does not like something. 

We are currently packing up our house ready to move again, but this time it's not to another rented house, it's into our own house which we are in process of buying. 

We are so excited, but also stressed, to be finally buying our own house after almost seven years together, married for four years this month and one gorgeous cheeky monkey. 

It's a lovely three bed roomed terraced house not far from where we a living at the moment.

I look forward to sharing our journey of moving on here and decorating our new home to suit us.