Wednesday, 17 February 2021

The siblings project February 2021

 And so its February and another month in lockdown three! And its half term so stuck at home with nothing to do except catch up on school work!

This months pictures were taken when we had snow for four days!

Monday, 15 February 2021

Living Arrows 2021 7/52

Welcome to the first post of Living Arrows 2021. This is the fourth year I have taken part in this linky and I love taking part each week! If you haven't heard of the linky before, This was set up by Donna at What the Redhead Said and the name comes from the poem by Kahlil Gibran "You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth" 

Each week I share one photograph of James and one of Freddie and share what they have been up to.

This week we had snow! And lots of it! Boys didn't really like it though as it was too soft to build a snowman 

Monday, 8 February 2021

Living Arrows 2021 6/52

Welcome to the first post of Living Arrows 2021. This is the fourth year I have taken part in this linky and I love taking part each week! If you haven't heard of the linky before, This was set up by Donna at What the Redhead Said and the name comes from the poem by Kahlil Gibran "You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth" 

Each week I share one photograph of James and one of Freddie and share what they have been up to.

This week has been lots of school work!

Monday, 1 February 2021

Living Arrows 2021 5/52

Welcome to the first post of Living Arrows 2021. This is the fourth year I have taken part in this linky and I love taking part each week! If you haven't heard of the linky before, This was set up by Donna at What the Redhead Said and the name comes from the poem by Kahlil Gibran "You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth" 

Each week I share one photograph of James and one of Freddie and share what they have been up to.

This week the boys to part in the City of Newcastle Scouts Winter Weekender!