Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Pregnancy update 32 weeks

So eight weeks till due date! We are getting sorted slowly.
I'm feeling large and very tired! Really hate not being able to pick up James.

Speaking of James he's finally started nursery school. If you follow me on Twitter you will already know this has not been a great start. Poor boy has been picked up in tears and dropped off in tears. This has not been good for mummy and her stress levels. Still we have eight weeks till baby is due to get him sorted.

Have finally packed my hospital bag this last weekend, still have a couple of bits to get and put in but it's mostly sorted. Baby h has his bag all packed too. 

I'm starting to run out of clothes that fit so living in trackies when in the house and my comfy maternity jeans and jumpers when out and about. 

Getting out and about is really tiring now. Went into Newcastle over the weekend to meet Andy from work and by time I got back I was exhausted and in bed asleep by nine. Was glad to get some sleep as I still have the dreaded insomnia between three and four most mornings! The furthest I tend to go now when Andy is at work is the nursery & shops. I can't even take James to the park anymore as I can't lift him into swings :( 

Mum and me had our tour of the hospital last week which was great! Fingers crossed he comes after 37 weeks so can use birthing centre! But on a whole I loved the whole hospital so if had to use delivery suit I wouldn't mind.

Next update in two weeks at 36 weeks! It's getting closer to d-day! 

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