Tuesday 6 February 2018

Guest Post - Making a decision to grow our family.

Today I have a lovely guest post from Jules over at Pondering Parenthood, all about the decision to grow her family!

Hi, I’m Jules and I write at PonderingParenthood. I started my blog just over two years ago when my husband and I were trying to conceive; little did I know that I was actually already pregnant! So my blog became all about parenting, lifestyle and my random musings!

I’ve always known that I wanted to have more than one child. I was raised as an only child (I have two brothers who had already grown up and flown the nest when I was born) and I often wished that I had a sibling to play with. I’m also very much used to getting my own way, which I don’t think is necessarily a good thing!

I ideally would have liked to have three children, but I have Polycystic Kidney Disease and have been advised to have all of my children by the time I’m 35, which is hurtling towards me this Autumn. Fortunately, I am 27 weeks pregnant with our second child as I write this, so, provided all goes to plan, we’ll be stopping at two in the Spring.

We still thought hard over whether we should grow our family, though. Little M is 19 months now and is such a lovely child. We worry that we’re going to ruin that by adding a crying, needy newborn into the mix! What if we can’t give her the attention that she needs and deserves? What if she stops being an amazing sleeper and we have two children to see to in the night instead of one? We have become accustomed to enjoying a good night’s sleep – I think we’ll be in for a shock!

But then we have to ask ourselves, what if Little M adores having a sibling? What if this baby is as great a sleeper as her big sister? What if Little M benefits from the sibling dynamic, and the ability to teach her little sister new things?

To be honest, we can’t wait. I know the first six months to a year are going to be the toughest I’ve ever experienced, but I just know that come this time next year, or the Spring after that when this new arrival turns one, things will get easier and life will be great. Or at least I hope so!

Thanks for that brilliant post Jules! Its definitely hard the first few months, but when I look at my boys now and see their bond its so worth all the sleepless nights!

You can find Jules on social media at Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

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