Friday, 27 November 2015

The arrival of Freddie

So Freddie Andrew Tinline Hockley arrived safe and sound on 25th November 2015 at 1219pm weighing 7lbs 2oz.

As I said in my 38 week update I was hoping the midwife would refer me back to the consultant, which they did. They rang up there and then getting me an appointment for the following Tuesday when I would be 39 weeks pregnant. 

We (Andy, myself & my mum) went along to the appointment to find out the safest way to deliver Freddie after all the trouble I had when I had James with the slow labour and how fast James came out causing a tear.

We were advised that a c section was our best option. Another appointment was made for me to go in on the Friday at 39+3 to make all the plans.

So fast forward to 25th November when I was 40+1 weeks pregnant. This was the date we were given for the section. I had to be in the RVI (Royal Victoria Infirmary) for 0730am. We arranged for James to be with my parents the night before and that once we were in recovery Andy would let them know. We also arranged that once we had the OK Andy would ring them to come in with James. 

I was third on the list for that morning so once I had all obs done, we chilled out n as we hadn't had much sleep the night before plus it had been an early start for the hospital. 

They took me down at 1120 and I did start to get a little nervous as I knew we would soon be holding Freddie. First thing done was a cannula in my wrist as I have pathetic veins in my hands. All too soon they had the spinal in and I was lying down. The combination of the medications made me feel sick so anti sickness medication was given. 

The first I was aware of Freddie being born was hearing him cry which made me cry as when I had James because he came so fast I was more stunned than emotional. The midwife brought him over to me then took him to be cleaned and weighed. I couldn't believe he was 7lbs 2oz! 

He was brought over to me for skin to skin which was something I didn't get with James, so this time it was important I got it and also that I did his first feed as again I also missed this with James. I did have some more nausea so more anti sickness medication was given while Andy had cuddles with his second born.

Once we were in recovery, I gave Freddie his first bottle which he guzzled down. I then got his wind up first attempt. We also started letting people know that he had arrived. We had made decision that nothing would be posted on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram etc till after James had met him.  

Once I was able to start moving my legs, I was transferred to what is called enhanced recovery. It was once I was in here and able to eat and drink that mum,dad & James were able to come in and see us. I was so happy to see James as I had really missed him. 

Once I was in my own night clothes and able to walk I was transferred to postnatal ward. Once I was in there Andy and James went home and I finally got a chance to rest although I did spend most of my time staring at Freddie. 

Once I had seen the doctor I was cleared for discharge, so once we had my painkillers we booked a taxi and home we came to start our life as a family of four! 

The care we received from the community midwifes and the staff of the RVI was amazing. I can't thank them enough for bringing our second little man into the world safely.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations once again, he is lovely. I had my little two at the RVI too and the staff were amazing , lovely hospital. I am glad you are home and well and can enjoy your new life as a family of four xx
