Saturday, 31 December 2016

Goodbye 2016

 So it's the last day of 2016 and what a year it's been!

We started the year with James at nursery and Freddie a tiny newborn and we've watched James turn four and then a couple of weeks later start reception at school! We've watched Freddie grow, turn one and turn into the most loving little boy.

James has really matured since he started school. He loves learning his phonics and trying to read his school books and key words!

The boys are developing the most lovely relationship. Freddie absolutely adores James and everything James does seems to make Freddie laugh hysterically! This time last year I was worried that the boys would never have any relationship as James seemed to hate Freddie and stay away from him!

We had great plans to start doing up our house and we have kind of started. We bough roller blinds for the bedroom windows, had the boiler replaced and started boarding out the loft! 

2017 is the year we finally start putting our stamp on the place decorating and making it a proper family home for us and our boys!

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