Tuesday, 17 March 2020

'3 Tips For A Smoother Home Move

Image Credit Pixabay.com License CC0
Moving house can be one of the most stressful experiences that you go through in life.
The disruption involved is immense. From boxing up everything that you own, putting it
on a van and unpacking it somewhere completely new. Couple this with the need to find
a new home, and, if you own your property, trying to sell your old house. There is a lot of
work involved in moving. 

With the number of things that can go wrong when you move, it is understandable that
moving house comes with a lot of stress. There are, however, ways that you can reduce
the levels of stress associated with your move. Through forward-thinking and planning,
you may be able to enjoy a less stressful move and be able to think positively about
the experiences that you will have soon in your new home. 

Here are several ways of managing your move in order to minimize your stress levels.

Get Quotes
Firstly, as soon as you know where you are moving to, and when, you can start to look
for removals companies to help you with the move. Phone round and get quotations. 
The earlier you can do this, the better, as you will need to book well in advance to
ensure you can get the help that you need. 

Similarly, you may need to look into quotes for personal storage. This will be particularly
useful if you are not able to move directly into your new home after leaving your last property. This could be useful if, for example, you need to carry out renovations works on the new property.

Making Lists
One of the best ways to plan ahead is by making lists for everything. Work out everyone that
you will need to provide your new address to. Make a list of all of the businesses that you
have accounts relating to your home. For example, your broadband provider, the council,
your energy supplier, and the water board. This will make it much easier to ensure
everyone gets the message that you have moved and you are better able

Start Packing Early 
The earlier you can start boxing up all of your possessions, the less stressed you will be as it gets closer to your moving out date.

Make sure you are logical and methodical when it comes to packing. Think about what you are not going to need for the time being, and start off by packing that first.

Label all of your boxes. Think about where things will be going to in your new home and make sure you write this on the box. This will save you a lot of time and headaches when it comes to unpacking at the other end.

Think about how your boxes may travel. Make sure that they are well packed, that they are not overloaded, and you use plenty of bubble wrap and tape to ensure everything is kept in its place. Remember to mark delicate items as being fragile.

**Collaborative Post**

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