Monday, 7 September 2020

Living Arrows 2020 Week 36/52

Welcome to Living Arrows 2020! This is the third year I have taken part in this linky and I love taking part each week! If you haven't heard of the linky before, This was set up by Donna at What the Redhead Said and the name comes from the poem by Kahlil Gibran "You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth" 

Each week I share one photograph of James and one of Freddie and share what they have been up to during the previous week.

This week James has been spending some time with his Nana and Gaga. Normally in the Easter holidays and May half term James will spend a couple of days visiting without mummy and Freddie, before we come and join him for a few days. But obviously with the Covid19 situation this year, neither of those trips to their house happened. So we decided with the fact he has ended up with seven weeks for his summer holiday he could go up for a few days the last week of his holidays. He has had a great time!!

Freddie has had a quiet week at home with mummy, while daddy has been working. We had to wait in one day for a parcel being collected for daddy and we also took a trip to tesco which was Freddie's first time there since the start of March!! We have also spent a lot of time playing with his wooden trains!

Living Arrows

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