Tuesday 12 April 2016

I'm a Yoomi Mummy!

I'm thrilled to announce that I have been chosen to be a Yoomi Mummy!

If you are not familiar with Yoomi, its a self warming bottle! Yes that's right a bottle that warms itself thanks to its warmer that slots into the teat!

I am so looking forward to putting this bottle through its paces and giving it a good test with Freddie when we are at our weekly baby groups!


  1. I tried these bottles when Jacob was a baby last year, we got them in a Sassy Bloom box. They were great xx

  2. Ooo wow! Rosalie was breast fed so I didn't need to warm bottles but always thought it must be hard when baby is hungry and wants feeding asap but you have to boil the kettle. This sounds awesome!

    1. That's fab ive been a yoomie mummy before and loved the bottle

  3. Never heard of these before, they certainly would have been handy on my first, Heating her bottles when we were out and about was a nightmare!

  4. Ahh congrats and well done! This is another one of E's rejected bottles I'm afraid, its in good company as she won't take ANY!! H x

  5. This sounds fantastic. I had the tommy tipped bottle maker and it was fab. Sounds like this will probably take off in the same way too. What a fab thing to have out and about on the go.

  6. Oh wow amazing! Well done you and look forward to see review

  7. Sounds like a brilliant invention, wish they were about when Emma was a baby!xx

  8. I've never heard of this but I'm intrigued x
