Monday, 3 October 2016

Blogtober Day Three

So day #3 is 'Ifyou won the lottery you would'

Oh this is a tough one, but if I won the lottery I would probably do boring things like pay off the mortgage on our house and learn to drive and buy a car!

But the big one would definitely have to be go on a holiday to Disney world Orlando!

We went there five years past September on our honeymoon and it was actually the last time we went abroad! The kids have never been away and now that James has started school it's going to take a lot of saving for us to actually get away during school holidays!

We always said we would love to go back to Orlando,but obviously now we have the kids it will be a lot more expensive and we would probably have to take my mum and dad with is to help with the kids. 

When we were there the last time, we went to Discovery Cove and did dolphin swimming. The minimum age for that is six years old. So we basically have six years to save to take the kids!

But yes would definitely be the boring stuff first of the mortgage and driving and a car!

1 comment:

  1. I forgot I write pay my mortgage off 😂 Hope you get your holidaying the coming years :) #Blogtober16 x
