Wednesday, 21 June 2017

5th Birthday Plans for James!

So my baby is turning five! Like seriously it does not seem five minutes since he was this tiny helpless puking newborn and now he's this handsome, grown up little boy about to turn five!

James birthday is actually bank holiday Saturday in August so we knew trying to have a party then would be a no go. 

Last year we had his party the week before his birthday and to be honest it was not too good as hardly any of his pals were there due to holidays. I think there was about ten kids there including James and Freddie!

So this year we have decided to have the party the weekend after his birthday, so that will be the first Sunday in September right before he goes back to school. So hopefully more of his friends will be able to come! 

So what sort of party are we planning? First off we have a lovely little sports centre five minutes walk from our house with a fantastic soft play that all his pals love, so for second year running we booked it!

James is absolutely Spiderman daft at the moment so I think most of the table wear will be Spiderman themed! 

So Pinterest has become my best friend! I have a whole board dedicated to Spiderman parties! 

First off mummy has designed some cool Spiderman invites! I had been looking online for weeks for some Spiderman invitations but none of the ones we saw were all that nice, so I decided to take the plunge and design some myself on Paint Shop Pro. By doing this I have been able to put all the information for the party i.e. date, time, venue and of course the all important RSVP information on so all I will need to do once we have them printed is actually put them into envelopes and put the names on!

James has had one request - a Spiderman Pinata! EEK mummy is going to have to embrace the inner hidden artist to make it haha!

I cannot wait to post more nearer the time about things we have done for his party and what we do on the actual day!

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