Monday, 19 November 2018

Living Arrows 2018 47/53

This week has been a pretty normal one for us. Both boys have been at school and playgroup. 

James had his Beavers group on Thursday night and mummy was a parent helper again this week. This week we did about kitchen hygiene for the cooks badge! James had a brilliant time as normal! Starting Beavers has been a big boost to his confidence and he has really come out of his shell. James photo this week was taken when we went into town straight from school to go and see the Fenwick Christmas window. This year it's based on The Snowman. I love this photo of James even though he's not actually looking at the camera!

Freddie is so much better than he was last week and he is so happy to be back at playgroup! Seeing him bounce into the room with a smile on his face makes mummy so happy! We also got confirmation of what days he has from January once he has his 15 hours from turning three! Since we realised Freddie is intolerant to bananas along with dairy and soya, we have had no end of problems with him asking for bananas! This weeks photo was taken when he decided to have a tantrum with mummy when I said he could not have a banana before he went to playgroup!

It's so crazy how close it is to Freddie turning Three! Mummy has not been as organised this year and even though it is his birthday this coming weekend we are still buying cards wrapping paper and balloons!! Not forgetting his presents oops! 

Living Arrows


  1. Glad to hear James is enjoying Beavers - I hope Toby likes it as much when he starts next year. It must be hard with Freddie - I know what 3 year olds are like when they can't have something they want!

  2. I always love hearing the amount that Beavers and Scouts learn - it teaches them real life skills x
