Monday, 4 February 2019

Living Arrows 2019 05/52

Welcome to Living Arrows post 2019! If you haven't heard of the linky before, This was set up by Donna at What the Redhead Said and the name comes from the poem by Kahlil Gibran "You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth" Each week I post one photo of James and one photo of Freddie and share what they have been up to that week!

This week has been a good one for James and Freddie. 

James has been having so much fun at school, They have been doing work on Roald Dahl and he has been loving it as The BFG is actually one of his favourite books! James had another fun night at Beavers where they were learning to tie knots and instead of using string they used strawberry laces which James loves!

Freddie has been making Chinese lanterns at playgroup as chinese new year is coming up so hes been coming home messy and covered in glitter! Freddie is also in need of a hair cut which you can see in the photo of him for this week! 

The school week ended with a day of heavy snow! School wasnt closed thank goodness but it was pretty difficult to push the buggy to and from school as Freddie literally refused to walk in it!!

Living Arrows

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