Friday, 1 March 2019

Six Books my Six year old loves!

Welcome back to my next post in the three or six series! In my last post I wrote about three books my three year old loves, so it was only fair that I did a six books my six year old loves post!

As James is three years older than Freddie I asked him to choose the six books and tell me why he likes them!

The first book that James chose was The Dinosaur That Pooped The Past. 

James is a typical little boy who loves all things dinosaurs and well erm poop. 

The main characters are a boy called Danny and his Dinosaur who likes to eat things and then once his tummy gets too big he poops them all back out!

The second book James chose that he loves is The Dinosaur That Pooped A Princess.

Danny and Dinosaur this time travel through fairy tale land to rescue a princess. 

This is a really funny story and has been read a few times since James got it for Christmas! 

I can see these books being passed along to Freddie in the next couple of years as he is already getting a little bit dinosaur crazy!

The third book James chose was Kitchen Disco. 

This is a really funny story about the fruit and vegetables in the kitchen having a party at night once all the humans are in bed!

There is a really funny little rhyme in it about shaking your pips like apples and partying like pears which James thinks is absolutely hilarious.

He got this through the Book Start scheme which gives a book to children in nursery and reception classes. 

The fourth book that James chose was The Great Pet Sale. 

He's actually had this book since the summer he was in the school nursery. 

The school ran a course for parents of nursery aged children about getting them used to basic numercy by playing games and the games that we made in this class were based around the story of The Great Pet Sale. 

The main character, a little boy goes into a pet shop that was closing down and managed to buy all the animals that were left for £1. 

The fifth book that James chose was Zookeeper Zoe.

This book was distrinuted free of charge by Boots the Chemist a few years ago. It was designed for parents to be able to spot the signs of their children needing a sight test by things that were happening in the story.

The story is all about a little girl called Zoe who is crazy about animals and wants to be a zookeeper when she grows up. So she goes on a day trip to a zoo and ends up helping the zookeeper to run the zoo for the day!

The final book that James chose was The Twits!

James is a massive fan of the author Roald Dahl and The Twits is one of his favourite books!

James has quite the collection of Roald Dahl books now and it all started with mummy finding her old copy of one of his books in a box a couple of summers ago!

So these are the six books my six year old loves! Stay tuned for the next instalment in a fortnight where you will find out about the three toys my three year old loves!

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