Thursday, 12 October 2017

#Blogtober17 Day 12 Love

When I first saw the prompt for today was Love, it did puzzle me at first then I though well what do I love and well that would be my family.

Andy, James, Freddie and my parents.

Those five people are the people I love most in the world. 
Then there is other things I love like my friends, cups of tea, watching football, Manchester United the list goes on!

Then there's destinations, I love Malta. I had many happy holidays there with my parents as I was growing up. Orlando I had a brilliant time here on my honeymoon with Andy. Dublin I had many happy trips there with my friends as I was growing up! Manchester I had three happy years living there while I was at university. I was walking distance to the city centre and spent many afternoons wandering around the shops or going to the old Granada studios gates to see who was going in and out of coronation street!

So yeah is is a really rubbish post for today but yes I love my family more than anything in the world!


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