Tuesday, 3 October 2017

#Blogtober17 Day Three - Cars

So the prompt for today is cars!

Now I actually don't have a car as I cannot actually drive! Yep that's right I'm 32 and cannot drive! But I do plan to change that and learn to drive in the next year! I think if I learn to drive then it will be easier for me to take the kids to my parents to visit! It would mean my mum and dad would not have to come down and pick me and the kids up! We would also be able to drive down to Surrey to see Andy's family rather than having to rely on trains, which are expensive and have to be booked at least three months in advance or the coach, which is cheaper but it does take at least six hours just to get into central London, then it is two trains! 

But if you get me onto the topic of cars then Formula 1 cars have to be my favourite! I love nothing more than sitting down to watch the Grand Prix. My favourite team is Ferrari, obviously because they are red lol. I can remember watching the F1 with my late nannie who used to love watching just to see how many cars would crash on the first lap!

I do love Aston Martin cars as my lovely cousin works for them. He even brought a DBS to our wedding.

As a boy mummy we do have lots of toy cars in our house! James absolutely adores hot wheels and other match box sized cars! But he is always leaving them all over the house, so I am forever rescuing them from the jaws of Freddie who thinks they make the perfect teether!

If I had to own a car through I have no idea what I would have, but as long as it had four doors I would be happy though! 



  1. Oh, we have a little car mad boy here too - cars literally everywhere in our house :)

  2. I just couldn't live without my car although since Zach has been at school, it gets used a lot less! #blogtober17

  3. Aw well done for making the decision to learn to drive, I know it's harder to start when you are older, but my friend passed quite quickly, so I'm sure you can do it. As for what car, don't get a Mini - blooming expensive to maintain and the tiniest boot ever!

  4. I can’t imagine not being able to drive - I’m so glad I learnt when I was 17. Well done you for making the decision to learn though - I bet you’ll love it!
