Monday, 23 April 2018

Living Arrows 20018 17/53

Welcome back to Living Arrows 2018 week 17!

If you are new to Living Arrows, then this linky is hosted by Donna over at What the Redhead said, It's all about celebrating childhood. It's name came from the poem by Kahlil Gibran "You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth"

So James has been back at school a week now and he is loving being back with all his friends after the school holidays. He was a little bit put out that he wasn't allowed a day off school for mummy's birthday, but then he realised it had been in the school holidays last year! 

Freddie has been back at playgroup and well we had tears again!!  Last Monday on our way to pick up James we bumped into one of the women who works at his playgroup and he was thrilled to see her! He started waving and shouting hi! When James has been in school Freddie has been super glued to mummy's side when we are in the house, he has literally not been letting me out of his sight! We are also in the process of weaning Freddie off green top milk and onto a milk alternative. At the moment we are trying him on Almond milk and even though he is still waking up he is not screaming his head off. 

The weather has been so nice this week that after school on Friday mummy decided to take the boys to the park for a little bit to enjoy the weather, Then on Saturday we got up and headed across to Kingston Park Tesco and bought food for a BBQ!! We then spent most of the afternoon and early evening in our back garden!


Living Arrows


  1. awww lovely park pics there!

  2. Oh I hope school settles down again - it's hard when they are so unsettled with it. But it looks like they had a great time at the park x
