Sunday, 12 March 2017

Living Arrows 10/52

So I'm a bit late this week. James had a 24 hour bug on the weekend which he then passed onto mummy then Freddie decided to have a 1-4am rave n be a monkey the rest of the week!

So James has been back at school a week now and what a busy first week back they had! They had a school trip to Whitehouse Farm on the Tuesday, Wednesday they had PE and then Thursday was World Book Day. James dressed at Willy Wonka! By Friday night James was shattered! They also introduced a new lunch system at school where the kids choose their meal at registration and are given a coloured wristband which they exchange for their meal. James however seems to be choosing the blue option every day! 

Freddie has been learning to walk this week! He has mastered ten steps on his own in the house and loves nothing more than toddling along holding your hand when you are out. Think it will be a trip for new shoes at the weekend! He does seem to have been a baby much longer than James ever was, but I guess that's because James was walking at ten months old! And by age Freddie is now (15 months) he was running everywhere!

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