Friday, 29 December 2017

2017 Review of the Year - Part Two

So welcome to part two of our review of 2017! Part One which contains January to June can be found here!

So we come back to the Review starting in July!

July started with mummy and Freddie attending the Baby Brunch at Intu Metrocentre where we had a lovely morning meeting two of the Metro Gnomes. We also wrote about James finishing reception at school. We also shared some more information about things we had got for James fifth birthday. Freddie also turned 20 months old in July!

August was the month that James finally turned five! We also went to Warkworth Village show, which was a brilliant day out! We had a wonderful family day out for James birthday and actually ended up with a family BBQ!

September and James went back to school and started in Year One! Mummy and Freddie attended the Bloggers preview of The Simply Small Co store in Newcastle Grainger Market. James also got to review the awesome Kinetic Rock play set which he adored and totally covered the kitchen floor in the rock!

October saw mummy attempt to do Blogtober again and this year I got 19 days in! Next year I have great plans to actually get posts scheduled to go up earlier and write posts earlier! We also reviewed the fantastic book "Who Hides Here? Footprints in the Garden" James loved this book as he loves being outside and his favourite thing to do at school is forest school in the school garden!

November saw us post reviews of Letter to Santa, Pao Papoose and Cuddleroar to name a few! But the biggest part of November was our little Freddie Bear turned TWO! Sadly though the poor little man actually had a sickness bug on his birthday and spent the whole day curled up in his pj's on the sofa! Mummy and Freddie also attended the open day at the playgroup we have put him down to start in January! It will only be a couple of sessions a week but it will give mummy two free afternoons (or mornings) to get things done in the house and work without little hands trying to help!

And so that brings us to December. The final month of the year! It really does not seem five minutes since it was last Christmas so for it to be here again already it is crazy! In December we posted a competition to win a signed Freya Morgan Print. We also wrote about the calibre products knee support and how it was helping me to deal with the pain I get in the winter from an old knee injury! We also did an update on how James is doing at school now he is in Year One and its a more structured learning compared to Reception where it was more learning through Play! We sadly end the year mourning the loss of Andy's lovely nanny who died on Christmas Day, not even an hour after he spoke to her on the phone. She was a fantastic lady who was 105. We will miss her very much and all the wonderful stories she used to tell us, especially the ones about Andy's mum growing up!

So that was the end of our 2017! We have so much planned already for 2018 including a trip to Surrey to see Nanny and Pappy, a day out in London so James can see all the places he has learned about in school and of course our first family holiday to Majorca!

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