Saturday, 7 April 2018

My Dream House!

As a stay at home/work at home mum, I literally have to take what little time I have to do my blogging.

Our house is a pretty small three bed roomed mid terrace house. Upstairs we have me and Andy in one room, James in the next biggest room and then Freddie is in the box room. Then downstairs we have our kitchen/utility room and then our lounge so there is no spare room for an office for me or a man cave for Andy.

I generally feel as though I get distracted working downstairs in the lounge as I can only really work when the boys are at school or playgroup or if Freddie is at home then he is having a nap. I always have the television on when I am in the lounge so there is another distraction.  I would love to have a small room where I could go and sit with either the radio on or music and just sit and write. When I was a student I could have either the TV on or I could have music on as the music interfered with the TV picture.

My desk is in one corner of the lounge with Andy’s in the opposite corner behind me. Andy has the corner where the plug sockets are so my laptop has to slide down the side of one of our units to charge as there is no socket by my desk. It also gets turned into a dumping ground for James and all his school stuff!

This is the current layout of our house upstairs and downstairs. As you can see we do not have a lot of space or spare room to have a dedicated working area. We currently have a separate toilet and bathroom with our boiler being in a cupboard in the bathroom. I would love to have our bathroom all in one and that little bit bigger!

Now if I had my dream we would have a double story extension built onto the back of the house so we could extend Freddie’s bedroom and also make the bathroom a bit bigger and add on an extra room upstairs to make either an office or a man cave.

Downstairs we could create a playroom for the boys, add in a downstairs toilet as being the only female in a house of boys it is not too fun having to prise a five year old off the toilet when he takes up residents i.e. he takes his tablet up and sits there to get some peace away from his little brother. Then we would have another room which could be either the man cave or the office.

I feel that having an extra toilet would definitely benefit us along with having a dedicated area for me to do my work as I feel it would certainly motivate me and stop me being distracted as much by the television!

I think that the things I would add to our house would certainly add on value as to get a property with everything I would add on in our area would be close to £250,000 which is money we definitely do not have and would probably not get a mortgage for. I would want to stay in the area we are currently in as it is close to the primary school that James attends and that Freddie will attend from nursery in 2019, also the secondary school is a short walk away too so when James moves schools he will be walking distance rather than a bus ride away.

**This post is just all my ideas about what I would love to do to our house!**

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I would use the Utility room as a man cave/office and extend the kitchen at the back of the house - that means you would still have a kitchen window etc
