Monday, 9 April 2018

Living Arrows 2018 Week 15/53

Wow I am in total shock that we have made it to week 15!!

So in the last week we have had daddy off work for a week and we had planned to do a few things but it rained virtually every day apart from Friday!

So on Friday we got up early and jumped onto a bus to town and then hopped across to the metrocentre to meet nana and gaga! They then took Freddie off while mummy and daddy took James to see Peter Rabbit at the cinema!! We had a brilliant time! I think it will be a while before we attempt to take Freddie as I really don't think he would be able to sit still!!

This photo of the boys together was taken on Easter weekend by my dad at the hotel him and my mum were staying in! I literally don't know when he actually managed to get it without me or Andy seeing!

This photo of Freddie makes me laugh! He had already eaten one bowl of cereal and asked for another one, but instead of going to his seat he decided he was going to sit in James chair!!

This is the last week of the holidays and James is off to stay with Nana and Gaga for a few days from Tuesday! Mummy and Freddie will miss him but I think the boys need a break from each other!
Living Arrows


  1. I love a good photo of a child in a baby Poang chair. My daughter loves hers. #LivingArrows

  2. It sounds like you've been busy - we still haven't seen Peter Rabbit x
