Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Living Arrows 2018 43/53

Welcome back to another week of Living Arrows hosted by Donna over at What The Redhead Said. If you are new to this then the name of the linky comes from the poem by Kahlil Gibran "You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth"

This week has been about getting back into routine and normal life after our wonderful family holiday! It really does not seem like only last week we got home!

This week James was invested into Beavers and he also gained his Global Issues and Creativity badges! He is absolutely loving Beavers and I am so glad I signed him up for it as it has done him the world of good to make new friends that do not go to his school! Last weekend we went shopping to get James a costume for the school halloween disco and also the halloween party at Beavers! James knew he wanted to be a Werewolf so lucky for us Tesco were selling a werewolf costume this year! He knew he had to try it on when we got home!!

Freddie has a great week! He loved being back at playgroup with all his little friends after our holiday! He was a bit sad when I dropped him off as he wanted to go get James as he was really missing him after him being by his side for the last ten days! Once James was home from school though, Freddie never left him alone and wanted to play with him constantly. On Sunday we went for a walk down to Aldi as a family and poor Freddie fell asleep in the pushchair. Once we got home we did have to eventually wake him up and this photo of him was after we woke him up and he just wanted to cuddle into mummy!

Living Arrows

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