Wednesday 2 October 2019

Blogtober Day Two

Welcome to day two of Blogtober 2019! Today the prompt I am using is "I blog, therefor I am..."

So yes I blog, but what do I consider myself? Well I don't think I am a full time blogger, more along the lines of part time blogger, full time mum and  part time web designer. 

I only have fifteen hours a week child free while Freddie is attending the local nursery at the primary school, and in that fifteen hours I have to fit in household jobs and  preparing meals for the evening along with doing blogging, website work and food shopping! Occasionally I will boot up the laptop once the kids are in bed and do an hour or two of work then, but more often than not I am so exhausted I tend to crash out!!

And soon I will have to add in preparing Beaver sessions as I am currently getting my DBS check done to take over the running of our local Beaver colony that James currently attends!

So that is what I consider myself in the blogging world!


  1. I was much like you when I started blogging, but it's been a long time and I've been through many changes, in fact I've gone around in circles at times. Blogging is a strange world sometimes, but it can also be fun and way of making lifelong friends.

  2. I think I'm similar to you . Recently my blogging mojo up.and left completely but I'm hoping #blogtober will kick start it back to life because I really missed it!

  3. Blogging makes me happy. I do wish I could get a full time wage from doing so. #blogtober

  4. It sounds like you are so busy and you need more hours in your day. lol
    I blog as a hobby but it is a pretty time consuming one. x

  5. I love blogging, not only the hard work that all bloggers face when writing a post, but also the community and how supportive it is #blogtober

  6. I am more a hobbyist blogger - I have been doing it in some shape or form since it was cool to call it blogging. As long as you enjoy it that is all that matters :) x
