Friday, 27 June 2014

Totseat by Hippychick

Being out and about with James can sometimes be a total nightmare especially if there is no highchair available in the place we are trying to eat. Most places do have highchairs available but you often get the odd place that doesn't have them or they have none free when you are trying to eat (TGI Friday Aberdeen for one!) 

This happened to us a few of months ago, fathers day in fact. We went out for lunch with my parents and the place we went to didn't have high chairs. If we had had the Totseat then, all our problems would have been solved.

James absolutely loves the totseat, so much so it's now used on a daily basis at my parents house since James decided he was no longer interested in his highchair and he now wants to eat at the table like a big boy. 

James at nanas 

James in debenhams 

**we were sent the totseat free of charge for the testing for mother and baby magazine 2014 awards** 

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