Tuesday, 17 March 2015

**Review** Slumbersac Sleeping Bag with Feet.

When the people from Slumbersac asked if we would review their sleeping bag with feet. We jumped at the chance. 

www.slumbersac.co.uk says "Our sleeping bags with feet are just like normal sleep sacks, but with openings for feet! Children can walk freely without tripping up while staying cosy in their bag!"

James outgrew his old sleeping bags last year and sleeping with just a duvet has proved tricky as he is a big fidget in his sleep and I'm always finding the duvet on the floor in the mornings.

Where we are currently living the temperature in his room is a strange one. One night you can put him to bed and his Gro egg is reading 22 degrees and the next night at exactly the same time it can be reading 15 degrees. The last few months we have had a lot of early morning wake up screams around 2/3am as James has woken up freezing and the Gro egg has been reading as low as 10 degrees.

The sleeping bag we are testing is age 3-4 so is quiet long, but with it having the feet holes it's no problem and James is quite tall for his age. It's a 2.5 tog so it's nice and cosy.

The first night we went to put it on, James was a bit unsure as it had been a longtime since he had worn anything similar. But he soon settled down to sleep and the next time we heard from him it was just after 7am and he had slept from 8pm

I went to take it off him so daddy could change him and boy we had real tears running down his face as he didn't want to take his bag off. 

When I went to put it on him for the second night after he was in his pjs after his bath he was so excited. He wanted his bag on. He settled down had story and milk and was fast asleep by half past six. He woke up once for a drink and went straight back to sleep and woke for the day at quarter past six.

Overall I am 100% impressed with this product and we will definitely continue to use it at night and around the house if James is cold. 

The age 3-4 sac we reviewed retails for £22.99. It can be purchased from www.slumbersac.co.uk prices for the smaller sizes start at £18.99 

**We were sent this sleeping bag with feet free of charge in exchange for this review. All photos and opinions are my own.**

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