Saturday, 20 February 2016

Pikku Hair Review

A couple of weeks ago a lovely email dropped into my inbox inviting James to come and get his hair cut at Pikku in Gosforth. We thought brilliant he needs his hair cut before he goes back to nursery after half term. I'm really ashamed to say he had his hair cut last July then we kind of didn't get round to getting it cut again till the new year oops bad mummy alert! 

Pikku is located on Gosforth high street, a short walk from regent centre metro & bus interchange, there is also parking at the near by shopping complex.

 The salon is located upstairs above the children's clothing boutique. As I had Freddie with me as well, I was able to leave the pram base downstairs and take him upstairs in his car seat where he slept the whole time we were there.

The salon is decorated in bright colours and is so welcoming to families. To keep the little ones amused while getting their hair cut they sit in brilliant chairs in the shape of convertible cars and watch cartoons on a tablet. Today James chose a pink car & to watch Peppa Pig. He could also see out the window onto Gosforth high street, so he could see all the buses and lorries going past. They also have salon chairs available for older children.

The stylist cutting his hair was called Laura and she was brilliant. She listened to how I wanted his hair cut and checked if it was ok. 

James was brilliant, he was so well behaved I was shocked! He is normally a proper wriggle bum as he has only had a proper hair cut twice, but he did sit so still and also did as he was told, even when Laura had to cut around his ears he stayed so still and for James that is a challenge as he does not like anyone going near his ears! 

I don't know if it was the watching of Peppa Pig that did it or the promise of a surprise egg after! After the cut was finished Laura put some wax in his hair which he loved and he also got a balloon which he took great pleasure in waving in my face the whole way home on the buggy board! 

On a whole we had a fantastic time and will definitely return with James and also Freddie when it comes to getting his haircut for the first time! 

Haircuts are priced at £12.50 for 1-5 year olds and £14.50 for over 5s. A full price list can be found at: you can also book your haircuts online or phone on 0191 447 1300 

You can also shop the clothing collections online too at as all parents know how difficult it is to browse clothes with your children there! 

**Disclaimer: we got this haircut free of charge in exchange for this review, however all words and photographs are my own**


  1. I take my two year old Sophia to get here hair cut here all the time. We reviewed it last year and I now won't take her anywhere else as it is just so lovely and she loves it, she was there at the weekend. I am taking my son this week for his first haircut too for a review xx

    1. We loved it! We did take James there once before n loved it but bad mummy kept putting off his next haircut till we were desperate so daddy took him to barbers near us n they made a mess grr! Will be Pikku all the way now for us & Freddie will get his first cut there too probably this time next year!

  2. What a fantastic place! Toby still has very little hair but I want to take him soon just for the experience, I hope I can find somewhere like this near me! Doesn't he look so grown up with his new hair and wax?! Gorgeous!xx

  3. This looks a fab place for little ones to get their hair done. I love those chairs, so cool and peppa pig would be been a fab distraction. It's very reasonably priced too. X

  4. What a lovely salon!! I love the cars. P2 is yet to ever have her hair cut.

  5. WOW!! Oooohhh I am insanely jealous. We've always had problem with Reuben's hair. He was fine the first time, but then for some reason he suddenly became so terrified to the point where I took him expecting no problems and had to hold him in a head lock. He kicked, screamed, bit me.... so out of character. I sobbed my heart out when I go home and since that day he hasn't been for a hair cut since unless HE has chosen to go. He just doesn't want his hair cut, but he also doesn't like it too long, so will eventually say "If I'm really brave, can I have a present and some ice cream after"... he sits quietly now but shakes through it. I hate it!! I think this would have made life so much easier. Wonderful idea :) H x

  6. How cute are those seats! They didn't have that kinda thing when I was younger! And what a good job they did too, he looks so much older :) x

  7. this looks great - it can make the world of difference for them to visit somewhere like this x

  8. Lovely to see a hairdressers dedicated to children's hair. Mine have always been good at having their hair cuts but I have friends whose children hate it.

  9. It's good to see a hair salon that are so used to dealing with children. Your son has a cracking style - good choice! x

  10. What a fab idea! Lamb's had hair cut quite a few times now (it grows very quickly like mine) so I would really benefit from somewhere like this near me. I think £12.50 for a toddler trim is a bit expensive though xx
