Monday 8 January 2018

YourGoodSkin #28daychallenge Results

So I have finished my #28daychallenge with YourGoodSkin. I am over the moon with the results. My skin has never felt better! 

I used the Pore Minimizing Tonic twice a day, morning and night. Seeing how much grime came from my face from just over night shocked me as I was cleansing before bed. The Pore Minimizing Tonic left my face feeling so soft and feeling fresh before bed. 

The Instant Dryness Rescue has definitely got to be my favourite as we have had some bitterly cold weather up here in the north east and by bitterly cold I'm meaning the temperature was in the minus figures when I was going out on the school run at half past eight in the morning. So putting this onto my face once I came back in from the school run made my skin feel so much better and I was able to get on with my day! I have also been putting on the Balancing Skin Concentrate which again has left my skin feeling amazing! 

I don't generally wear much makeup but when I have I have used the Oil Lifting Make Up Removal wipes to remove it before bed and then used the Tonic to cleanse my face before bed along with using the Instant Dryness Rescue again. I never have enough time when I come in from an afternoon school run to put it on once I am in, So I put it on after cleansing before bed.

I have really enjoyed taking part in this challenge and I'm already planning a trip to Boots to purchase some of the other products in the YourGoodSkin range!

**Disclaimer: I was sent the products from YourGoodSkin free of charge to test out for the #28daychallenge. All views are my own!**


  1. I have really neglected my skin this winter, so it is great to hear of a product that actually works in giving it a bit of a boost - I shall check it out!

  2. Ooooh I've never heard of these before, but it's great they worked so well for you. A skincare routine was a must for me this year, and so far so good too.

  3. Ooh this sounds ace! My skin is horrendous at the moment - will have to check this out xx
