Monday, 22 January 2018

Living Arrows 2018 4/53

Wow we have made it to week four! 
It's been another busy week here for James and Freddie. James has been on his second school trip of the term, this time it was to Washington Wetlands, and they have only been back at school three weeks! Freddie has been in playgroup for one session this week and instead of his second session, he came with mummy to an event in Jesmond with Messy Little Thing. This had been arranged since before his playgroup sessions were confirmed.

Most of my photos of James seem to be now taken either before or after school! He is so hard to get photos of these days. The boys went to a party last week and James never stayed still long enough for me to get a photo of him! This was the only photo I managed to get of him that day at the party that wasn't a blurry mess!


Freddie had a brilliant time at the Messy Little Thing event! He loved self feeding himself his food and of course stealing some of mummys lunch! We then on Thursday had our normal Sure Start Fun Play and Learn Group. Last week Freddie did a 2018 handprint calendar for mummy to have above her desk. Then at this session Freddie decided he was going to cover his hands in paint and then try and lick it off and ended up paint on his face!

Living Arrows

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh it is so hard to take photos of children once they start school. Ours are always at the weekend and if we don't do anything I have nothing to share. It's so tricky! x
