Monday, 20 August 2018

Living Arrows 2018 34/53

Welcome back to another week of Living Arrows hosted by Donna over at What The Redhead Said. If you are new to this then the name of the linky comes from the poem by Kahlil Gibran "You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth"

This week started off with a quiet day at home. James was meant to go and get his eyes tested, but the rain was so bad and Freddie is going through a stage of not wearing his rain cover on the pram I had to call up and re arrange it. Now he has it after school in the second week of term. I promised him a McDonalds tea if he's a good boy for me!

So instead of going across to Kingston Park we had a movie day at home! We started off with two of the Wizard of Oz sequel type films on Amazon Prime but they were not all that good. We then moved onto Free Willy and Free Willy 2!! I have been trying to get the boys to watch films from when I was a child/teenager and so far we have watched ET, Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory and now Free Willy and Free Willy 2!!

We also built a den in our lounge out of kitchen chairs, James duvet and James blanket! All went well till Freddie destroyed it!!

James ended up with a doctors appointment on Wednesday morning so we went down for that then went to Aldi to get some milk. Then it was Free Willy 3, Peppa Pig and Dinotrux for the rest of the day till daddy got home about half past four!

Thursday Freddie had a doctors appointment to discuss his on going issues with dairy and soya as we are waiting for his dietitian appointment, but we need to organise a GP letter for when we go on holiday to allow us to carry Almond milk through security at the airport. 

Finally we got to Friday! End of the week and this mummy was ready to chill out and have some family time before a busy week of us going to see Nana and Gaga and getting ready for the hype of James birthday!

Living Arrows


  1. You always fit so much into your week! x

  2. I keep trying to get my boys to watch some of my favourite childhood films too but they're just not interested at the moment. I hope everything works out with the doctor and James' eye test when it comes. #LivingArrows

  3. Sounds like a busy week! My boys also love building dens when they’re indoors! #LivingArrows
