Friday, 7 September 2018

What is in Freddie's Plane Bag

Now we don't actually fly for another four weeks or so but this mummy is getting organised!

When we went away to visit the in laws earlier in the year I had packed little bits for the train and to keep them amused while at their grandparents house. These were just cheap little cars for both boys to play with and some blind bags for James.But these kept both boys amused for the five days we were visiting their grandparents and the two long train trips! 

So I decided as we we are going on our first flight to write a post about what is in each boys plane bag separate starting with Freddie!

So for his hand luggage we are taking his mini Mr Tumble wheeled case with his Mr Tumble backpack inside. In the bottom of the wheeled case I have an unopened packet of travel size baby wipes, 2 pull ups 2 nappies and some nappy bags in a zip lock bag. There is also another zip lock bag containing a short sleeved vest, socks, trousers and a long sleeved top. We will also have his hat and sunglasses in the wheeled bag for when we get off the plane in Palma. There is also an empty water bottle that we will fill up for him once we are through security and that will then go into the seat pocket in front of him for the flight! This bag will stay in the overhead locker the majority of the flight while his little backpack will be at his feet.

As it is an early morning flight Freddie will want to have some milk. As Freddie is dairy and soya intolerant he drinks almond milk. We will have a carton of this and a letter from our GP to bring it though security unopened so we can fill his beaker up once we are in the departure lounge.

So what is in Freddie's little bag? For his snacks in his bag he will have a couple of Bear Yoyo's and some Bear Paws. A couple of his flapjacks and a couple of his oat bars. The rest of his snacks will be in my bag. Im hoping since we changed my meal to vegan there will be something Freddie can eat from either his or my meal.

This first thing in the bag is a Paw Patrol sticker book. I actually bought this back in March in the Aldi special buys for £1.99 This is a bit big for Freddie's backpack so it will just slide into the wheeled case then go into the seat pocket for take off and landing!

The next thing is a small colouring book from Tesco that cost £1, there is also a couple of blind bags. Now that Freddie is nearly three he has started to take an interest in James blind bags, so to save arguments we bought him some of his own!

Then we have a Tangle toy! James fell in love with these months ago when he saw them advertised on television, so when I saw them on sale in our local Primark for £3 I grabbed a couple. James has been obsessed with his, but we saved Freddie's for his plane bag as he didn't really understand it when we first got them!

We will also have our family Kindle Fire 7, we bought the official Amazon bumper case for the Kindle Fire 7 as it gives the screen extra protection in case it it gets dropped,  and also his JVC headphones. We bought his headphones last year when we went to Alton Towers so he could watch things on my iPad and also listen to Cbeebies stories! On here we will download some of his favorite shows from Cbeebies and Netflix. Hopefully Blaze and the Monster Machines, Peppa Pig and In The Night Garden will keep him amused on the flight if everything else fails!

We also have a funny faces sticker book that mummy bought on Amazon. I am hoping all this will work as it is a flight of 2 hours 50 minutes plus of course the two hours or so in the airport before we fly! And for us this will be between 3 am and 5 am! We will also have Moo - his cuddly cow that is from Doc McStuffins that he won on a hook a duck at the local fair and he has really become attached to it! Moo goes everywhere with him and goes to bed every night tucked under his arm.

Wish us luck I think we are going to need it!!

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