Monday, 2 January 2017

Living Arrows 1/52

So one of my big resolutions (post coming out soon) for 2017 is to try and take part in more linkys. The first one I'm trying is Living Arrows hosted my the Lovely Donna at What the Redhead Said

So my boys are four and one, up until a few months ago James barely went near Freddie, and if Freddie went near him he would scream and shout take him away or get the baby away. But now the boys love each other to bits! 

James is full of beans and hardly ever sits still! He is a typical boy who loves trains, planes, fire engines, tractors in fact anything with wheels! But when he's asleep he is adorable.

Freddie is a cheeky mischievous little boy! He's a speedy crawler and demon climber! You have to make sure everything is out of his reach especially empty cups as he likes to try and chew on them!



  1. What gorgeous boys you have! Lovely captures #LivingArrows x

  2. It's so nice to see you linking up and I'm glad the boys love each other now - love the hiding under the bed shot! x

  3. Children always look so angelic when they're asleep. Lovely real photos #livingarrows
