Saturday, 14 January 2017

Living Arrows 3/52

We've had snow this week! James was so excited for walking to school in it and erm well Freddie was not impressed as it meant he had to wear his snowsuit which he hates wearing!

James had forest school on Tuesday afternoon. A fantastic north east company called Stomping Grounds come in and take the kids into the schools "secret garden" and do loads of fantastic activities with them. If you have me on Facebook and Instagram the. I'm sure you will have seen the photo already! He was doing his job of collecting our bin in the photo. 

Freddie had his first experience of swimming with Puddle Ducks North East. Sadly for me he hated it and screamed from the second he entered the water till the second he was dressed and wrapped up in his pram! Other than that he's had a great week been very vocal and very mischievous! He also got to experience his very first jam sandwich, which he demolished! 


  1. Oh dear with the swimming. Keep going with it, sometimes it just takes a little while for them to get into it. #livingarrows

  2. I always found swimming when they were young just so stressful! We ended up giving up until they were three! x
