Saturday, 14 January 2017

Siblings project January

So it's now 2017 and I'm once again attempting to join in with the siblings projects. My boys are now four and one. 

Since James turned four its like a switch flipped and he's totally obsessed with his little brother! He's always giving him kisses and cuddles and Freddie in return climbs all over his brother! The only time James is not impressed with his brother is when Freddie decided to try and steal food off him!

My photo of the boys this month were taken when we had the first snowfall and we were were about to go to school! James was loving being all wrapped up and was loving the snow! Freddie however was not impressed at being all wrapped up in his snowsuit!


  1. So jealous you guys all got snow and great you got to capture your two in it. Ours came and went in five minutes late one night so the kids were very disappointed. I look forward to the year of #siblingsproject ahead with your little ones.

  2. Wow I can't believe how much snow you had. I really wanted to take some snow photos but we had a light dusting and then by the time school was out it had all gone! x
